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CEO Is Chasing Ex-Wife Back novel Chapter 161

Chapter 161 Mess Up

Then, in public, Aurora took off the hair ornaments on her head and said, “Don’t forget to transfer the rewarding money to me.”

She must get paid for what she had done.

More importantly, she disdained to compete with Wenny.

“Stop!” Zac stood aside and his voice was full of coldness.

Aurora was not an obedient person, and she had no intention of stopping at all.

It was Bess who heard this and realized that something was wrong. She immediately gave up stopping Wenny. Bess went over there and grabbed Aurora. She whispered, “Ms. Bennet, if you leave now, our company will hold you accountable for breaking the contract.”


“That is to say, you have to pay for it, and the price is not cheap.” Bess smiled politely.

Aurora gritted her teeth in anger. She felt that she had bad luck.

Aurora turned back reluctantly to look at the man in the distance. Her eyes turned, and she thought of something. “If Mr. Buchanna suspends and even stops the filming for private reasons, does he have to compensate you for the breach of contract?”

“Yes.” Bess was puzzled.

Moreover, the endorsement contract was signed with Zac, and thus he had to be responsible for the

effects of the ad.

But after all, Zac is of wealth and high status. A big shot like him would not stand up to Lymais. So

they wouldn’t put it on the table.

But Aurora’s words were aggressive.

Bess didn’t know how to respond.

Moreover, after that, everyone had a bad premonition.

In the next second, Aurora took the initiative to put on the hair ornaments. Then, she walked to Zac and approached him. She put her hand on his shoulder.

Zac frowned and subconsciously held her arm.

Aurora blinked, with her eyes full of innocence. “Don’t you want the shooting to continue? Let’s do


Her body leaned forward to him softly, which set off a sense of intimacy.

In addition, her hand was very beautiful, which set off the beauty of the ring.

“Good, very good! Keep doing this,” the photographer said excitedly.

The other staff started working at once. They seemed to be in high spirits.

“Very good. You look like a couple.” The photographer nodded.

Wenny stood aside, completely ignored by everyone.

Ella pulled her. “Wenny, let it go. It’s just an ad.”

“You don’t get it! If this ad is released, everyone will laugh at me!”

She would never be able to take advantage of her identity as the woman of Zac in showbiz.

Just then, Wenny soon had an idea. She directly stuffed the phone into Ella’s hand.

“Turn on the camera later and make a video.”

Before Ella could react, Wenny had already rushed over.

“Zac, you can’t do this to me, and you can’t be bewitched by this woman. She’s a two-timer. She is seducing you while hooking up with Terry!”

Aurora raised her eyebrows, and a faint smile flashed across her eyes. As expected, Wenny would throw a tantrum.



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