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CEO Is Chasing Ex-Wife Back novel Chapter 165

Chapter 165 Broken Brooch

Aurora drove around the square twice and was unhappy with the total time. There were several places where she could have saved time.

She got out of the car and took off her helmet, planning to ponder over it again.

But Terry snatched her helmet.

“Try it again tomorrow. The training field is about to close.”

“At this hour?” Aurora turned around and saw a few staff members cleaning up the place.

Terry did not say much and pulled her out. Since Terry’s career as a car racer could not make her feel secure, he would give it up.

Not long after the two left the training field, a black car caught up to them from behind.

“I went to your house twice, but you were not there. Where do you live?” Terry hesitated for a moment before asking.

In fact, he knew the answer.

“My friend’s place.” Aurora gave a vague reply as she pointed at the intersection in front of her. “Just drop me off there. I’ve got a bit of shopping to do.”

Terry nodded slowly and stopped the car.

“See you tomorrow. I’ll see what I can do.” Aurora waved her hand and walked into the mall.

In the distance, Terry watched her leave.

He turned his head and looked at the black car that followed them along the way. His eyes suddenly

turned cold.

As soon as Aurora entered the mall, she was followed by a few fans of Wenny.

“You are the one who stole Wenny’s role!”

They surrounded Aurora and stared at her fiercely. “Zac has already dumped you. Can you stop

pestering him?”

“That’s right. Wenny is pregnant. She is a perfect match for Zac. Wake up! If I were you, I would break off the engagement with Lymais!”

“I don’t want to see you again. If you appear on the bulletin board of Lymais, we fans will unite to boycott this brand!”

Since Aurora had practiced racing the whole afternoon, she was very tired.

So Aurora was in a foul mood being scolded by so many people.

“Are you done?”

“Fuck off if you’re done,” Aurora said coldly as she looked at those people.

“How could you swear like that?”

Aurora laughed and looked at them with disdain. “Didn’t you hear the news that Wenny was beaten in the bathroom some time ago? You all know it, right?

“I did it. Not only will I scold you, but I’ll beat you. Stay away from me. Otherwise, you probably

have to stay in the hospital, yelling for.”

She had tried her best to control herself.

Those fans were all frightened by Aurora’s words.

However, one fan was not afraid of being beaten and shouted, “Anyway, you are cheeky and want to be a home-wrecker. You…”

Before the fan finished speaking, she was pinned down by a few bodyguards.

Then Aurora saw a figure in a black dress walking over. Miley took off her sunglasses and asked Aurora with a smile, “I saw them harassing you. Are you okay?”

Miley was indeed a beautiful woman with an air of easy assurance. The make-up only seemed to enhance her classically beautiful features. Her charm was irresistible.

Aurora shook her head.

Miley made a gesture and those fans were pushed out by the bodyguards.

Aurora looked back and said, “Thank you for helping me out once again. Aren’t you afraid they will spread slanders about you?”

Miley smiled and said, “I’ve seen that have happened so many times. I’m not afraid of those rumors. Moreover, I only lend a helping hand to the worthy ones. My friend runs a shop upstairs. Let’s go there. I’ve got a favor to ask you.”


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