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CEO Is Chasing Ex-Wife Back novel Chapter 169

Chapter 169 Missed It

They walked out of the hospital together.

“Don’t follow me,” Aurora couldn’t help but turn around and say to him, “Don’t follow me,”

“It’s because of me that you got hurt. I have to take responsibility,” said Zac directly.

Aurora snorted, “Then send Wenny to prison. She tried to murder me!”

It was clear that Wenny intended to hurt Aurora.

Aurora stared at Zac, who remained silent for a long time. Seeing that, Aurora put on a disdainful look.

That’s understandable. After all, Wenny is pregnant with his baby.

Somehow, Aurora felt bitter. She wondered, Zac cares for Wenny because she’s pregnant with his baby. But back then, dad and I were so nice to him, yet he didn’t…

Aurora held back her tears as she quickened her step towards the street.

Aurora stopped a taxi and opened the door, preparing to leave. Yet the next second, Zac closed the car door from behind and said to the driver. “She’s not leaving.”

The driver looked at them and said sternly. “You couple can quarrel, but you shouldn’t mess with

my business!”

Aurora tried to get in the car again, but Zac stopped her once more.

“Let go of me,” said Aurora. Meanwhile, the driver drove away.

“The doctor said you can’t carry heavy things,” Zac said slowly.

Aurora frowned as she saw Zac’s driver stopping the car beside them.

“Live in the villa. I won’t be there for the next few days.”

As he spoke, he opened the car door for Aurora. As if he was afraid that Aurora would run away, he held her hand with the other hand and refused to let it go.


“Alma misses you as well. She’ll make your favorite dishes.” Zac tried to lure her into an


They were on a one-way street and Zac’s car prevented many drivers from moving forward, which aroused much honking.

Aurora had no choice but to get in the car.

But until the door closed, she gave Zac nothing, not even a glance.

Zac stood at the side and watched the car leave. A memory surged into his mind.

Three years ago, when they were discussing their marriage, Aurora would always let Zac leave first, and then she would watch him go away.

At that time, Zac could not figure out what she was thinking about.

However, at the moment, he seemed to understand.

The one who stayed and watched the other leave was the one who cared more about the


Zac couldn’t help but wonder, Aurora, is hatred your only feeling for me right now?

“Ms. Bennet, this is your favorite steak.”

“I also made tomato soup for you. And there is a freshly-made apple pie. Let me cut a piece for


Alma was very considerate and made many delicious dishes for Aurora.

Besides, Alma kept putting food on Aurora’s plate.

“Alma, thank you. But I really can’t eat that much.”

“Have some more. Mr. Buchanna said that you have been very busy recently. I guess you don’t have

much time for meals,” said Alma while cracking a lobster for Aurora, “You look too thin.”

Zac said that to Alma?

But his fiancée is why I had to work so hard! That woman has created a lot of trouble for me! Aurora then hid the emotions in her eyes.

When she thought that Wenny was plotting against her and probably bribed the whole race team, Aurora was filled with anger.

She immediately imagined the food in front of her as Wenny and Zac and ate them all.

“Slow down, have some soup.” Alma narrowed her eyes, feeling great.

Aurora ate and drank to her heart’s content. In the end, she even burped.

When Alma cleaned the table, Aura received a phone call. It was Terry.

“Aurora, I’m at the training ground. Where are you?”

“I…” Aurora looked at the wound on her wrist, afraid that Terry would worry if he saw it. Plus,

although she was a witness, she had no evidence to prove that Wenny was behind today’s incident.

“I’ll come for you.”


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