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CEO Is Chasing Ex-Wife Back novel Chapter 176

Chapter 176 Nothing Is Free

Aurora stayed with Alma for a long time. She planned to leave after Alma fell asleep.

But the moment she got up, she heard a familiar voice outside.

“Go and find out which woman Zac comes here for so often?”

Wenny ordered proudly, her hand on her abdomen.

She went straight in this direction after getting off the bed.

Aurora’s eyes darkened. She didn’t want to disturb Alma’s rest. Just as she was thinking about how to avoid suspicion, someone pushed open the door and entered.

Their eyes met. Zac frowned slightly. The next second, he pulled her into the bathroom.

“What are you doing?”

“What if someone sees you here?” His voice was cold and indifferent, devoid of any emotions.

Aurora tried her best to maintain the distance between the two of them. She said with

dissatisfaction, “Go out then.”

Zac glanced at her without saying anything.

Soon, the door of the ward was pushed open.

Wenny brought a group of people in to catch the adulterous pair’, but there was only Alma on the bed. She looked around.


“Miss Swon?” Alma was awakened by the noise.

They had seen each other in Zac’s villa. Wenny knew that Alma was only a servant at Zac’s house.

Such a waste of effort!

Wenny bit the corner of her lips. “Next time, keep your eyes open. What can happen between Zac

and her?”

After she finished speaking, she walked out with her hands on her belly.

In the bathroom, Aurora was blocked by Zac’s arm. The space was narrow, and the two of them had to stick close to each other to avoid the light coming in from outside.

Aurora could smell the cologne he was wearing.

She frowned in dissatisfaction, her hand reaching his chest.

Get Bonus

“Don’t move.” She heard a suppressed warning coming from above her head.

Aurora was about to retort, yet she looked up and met Zac’s eyes. There were too many things hidden in them that she could not understand.

However, she could clearly feel Zac breathing heavily.

It was already too late for her to dodge.


The next second, he leaned over and pressed his lips against her neck uncontrollably. His voice was sultry and low. “I’ve already tried my best to control myself. Why are you still in front of me?”

What does this mean?

Aurora was so sensitive that her entire body was trembling. “Get away!”

She came to see Alma. It had nothing to do with him.

The man’s Adam’s apple moved. He did not continue but instead released his hand and walked out.

Aurora was still standing still in the darkness. She took several deep breaths before opening the door.

Alma was talking to Zac. She was kind of surprised when she saw Aurora coming out of the bathroom. “Ms. Bennet, I thought you’d left.”

Aurora turned around and pulled the door handle, “I’m leaving now. Alma, have a good rest.”

The door closed again. The corridor was full of the smell of disinfectant. Aurora put on her hat and went downstairs from the elevator.

Not far away, Ella captured everything.

She was going to send it to Wenny.

She wanted to prove that there was nothing wrong with her premonition. Zac was dating Aurora,


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