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CEO's Tears Over Pregnancy Test Discovery novel Chapter 171

"Thank you," Quincy said politely, glancing at Nash. He felt relieved as he noticed Nash's softened expression.

Originally, Nina had planned to have dinner with her parents, but now it seemed unlikely.

Nina approached her mother, Julia, who was making her bed, and said, "Mom, I need to go out for a while. I won't be able to join you and Dad for dinner."

Julia looked up. "Is something wrong?"

"It's work-related," Nina replied.

Julia came closer to Nina. "Nina, if you want to change jobs, we can do that. There are plenty of good jobs out there."

Julia was also concerned about Nina's well-being. If she and Nash divorced, it would be awkward for Nina to stay with him.

"I understand, Mom," Nina acknowledged.

Nina had also been pondering on the same topic. If she and Nash divorced, she couldn't stay with him.

It was time to let go.

Leaving her home, Nina returned to the York residence.

There, the helper still respectfully addressed her as "Madam."

Everything seemed normal, as if nothing had happened.

Nina took off her shoes and asked the helper, "Couldn't find the sweater?"

The helper looked puzzled. "What sweater?"

Nina looked up. "Didn't Nash ask you to find a sweater?"

Chapter 171 1

Chapter 171 2


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