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CEO's Tears Over Pregnancy Test Discovery novel Chapter 206

Linda instinctively covered her stomach, palms sweating. She forced a smile, "I haven't done anything wrong, so I'm not afraid of retribution."

Seeing them speak in riddles, Sally didn't quite understand. However, sensing something amiss with Nina, she coldly asked, "What are you doing here? I’m just trying to take a break and still run into you."

Linda quickly replied, "I just asked, it seems Nina attended a funeral here, right in this place."

"A funeral?" Sally felt embarrassed and quickly pulled Linda away, saying, "Don't stand with her, it's ominous!"

Nina pursed her lips and remarked calmly, "The area you're in is all cemetery."

"In such a place? Linda, why would you come here?" Sally urged, "Let's go elsewhere, this place is too eerie, not good for the baby!"

As they conversed, Sue, who happened to be standing at the entrance of the cemetery, caught sight of them. She frowned at Linda's figure. It was that woman!

Sue clenched her fists, brows furrowed. Why was that woman here? Was she acquainted with Nina? Did they have a grudge? Suddenly, Sue recalled Nina's words about her father's death having another perpetrator, an instigator...

"Sue," Lily's hoarse voice interrupted, "What are you looking at?"

Just having gone through the pain of losing her father, Lily looked somewhat haggard. She was about to head home when she noticed Sue standing there motionless. Following her gaze, she caught sight of Nina's figure. The shadows of the others were nowhere to be seen.

"Look at her! Your dad's dead, not a single tear shed from her. She's just heartless!" Lily said bitterly.

Sue snapped out of her daze, looking at Lily with a distracted air. "Mom, let's go back," she said, head hanging low, her mind preoccupied with something she was not sure if she should share.

Chapter 206 1


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