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CEO's Tears Over Pregnancy Test Discovery novel Chapter 208

She gazed at Nash suddenly, noticing his icy demeanor and his chilling gaze. He spoke coolly, "You've been acting strange lately. Are you afraid I'll find out something?"

Nina's heart skipped a beat. "What's wrong? Find... find what?"

Nash replied, "Ever since you started finding women for me, I've sensed something off about you. And sneaking off to the hospital!"

Nina avoided his gaze. "My life is perfectly normal. You're just imagining things."

"Then tell me why. Give me a convincing reason!" Nash always felt Nina was being secretive, as if she had a secret he had not uncovered yet. He could not quite guess what it was and had to wait for her to confess.

Nina crossed her hands, trying to ease her tension, and spoke lightly, "Nash, haven't you noticed something off about yourself?"

"Me? Something off?"

After all this time, Nash only got such an explanation from Nina. Her explanation was a bit hard to believe.

"What's wrong with me?"

"Your attention has been entirely on me lately."

At her words, Nash pursed his lips slightly.

"Some of my actions make you suspicious. Maybe you're just being overly sensitive." She deflected the blame onto him.

Nina continued, "Why are you becoming so sensitive? You never used to be like this. You never cared whether I went to the hospital or my little habits like drinking milk. You're only paying more attention to me recently. You're becoming more concerned about me. Haven't you realized you're becoming more interested in me?"

Chapter 208 1

Chapter 208 2

Chapter 208 3


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