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Claiming Her Back novel (Jessica and Lucas) novel Chapter 18


Chapter 18 

Hannah had thought about persuading Jessica to give Terry a chance. After all, Terry and Jessica had similar family backgrounds. Even if Jessica did not like Terry, she could still use Terry to annoy Lucas.

Yet when Hannah realized that Jessica was not interested in Terry at all, she never mentioned Terry anymore. Hannah then said, “There’s gonna be a charity event today. You’re coming, right?”

“Sure, see you tonight,” Jessica replied. Although she was not interested in those social events, it was a good chance to meet some big shots in business. Jessica wouldn’t miss the chance.

In the evening. Jessica came to the venue for the event in the latest high-fashion dress designed by Tomie.

The turquoise dress was decorated with numerous diamonds, and it looked like a glittering lake under the light. Jessica just entered the hall and drew a lot of attention.

When Hannah saw Jessica, she immediately came over. Hannah was a party girl and she didn’t like such a formal affair.

“Jessica, Terry just asked me when you would be here.”

Just after Hannah said that, Terry had already made his way over.

“Good evening, Miss Hall.” Terry smiled at Jessica. The suit he was wearing today was also Tomie’s design.

“Good evening, Mr. Davison.” Jessica put on a proper smile.

“Just call me Terry.” Terry gazed at Jessica.

“We are not that close,” said Jessica in a flat tone.,

“Then may I ask you to dance? Perhaps that can help you learn more about me,” said Terry as he politely extended his arm in an inviting gesture.

Jessica wanted to reject Terry when the music switched to a tango.

The familiar melody reminded Jessica of some beautiful memories. Thus, Jessica nodded and put her hand on Terry’s hand. She then followed him onto the dance floor.

Jessica and Terry danced in harmony. They changed their steps to the music, fluttering Jessica’s dress.

Gradually, the other dancing pairs subconsciously moved to the side, making Jessica and Terry the focus.

Not far away, Lucas stared at the twon the dance floor. His lips pursed tightly.


Lucas knew how a playboy like Terry played up to ladies. Dancing, bartending, and others … Terry was good at anything that could amuse the ladies.

“I’m so bored here,” Hannah complained, holding a glass of red wine.


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