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Claiming Her Back novel (Jessica and Lucas) novel Chapter 187

Chapter 187

Ever since she overheard the conversation between Justin and Lucas and learned that Justin wanted Lucas to remarry Jessica, Olivia had been paying attention to whatever Justin did.

Jessica and Olivia never got along well, and Olivia set Jessica several times.

If Jessica really married Lucas, with Justin’s current attitude towards Jessica, Olivia knew that she would be in a much more miserable state than now.

Today, when Lucas returned, Olivia went to eavesdrop again.

She waited until Lucas went into Justin’s home office. Then she tiptoed near the home office to hear their conversation.

To her surprise, this time she finally heard something about herself.

When she heard that Lucas intended to send her away from LA and to Paris, she resisted the urge to break in.

Olivia kept telling herself to be patient and wait for Lucas to leave. Then she could plead with Justin and Rebecca.

But then, she heard something more. Lucas arranged for her to be an ordinary employee in Paris and Justin agreed with it! She couldn’t hold back anymore.

Olivia opposed loudly at the door. “I disagree!”

Just as she finished speaking, the door in front of her was opened, and Lucas, who looked unhappy but was not angry, stood at the door.

Olivia looked at Lucas’ frim face and was stunned for a moment. This was the first time she had found Lucas so unfamiliar.

“You eavesdropped on us? Get in here!” Justin shouted angrily from inside and his angry shout startled Olivia.

“Grandpa, I’m not going. I don’t want to go to Paris!” Faced with Justin’s anger, she still walked in while sobbing.

“It’s not up to you!” Justin looked at Olivia and frowned.

He found that as the young lady of the Thomas family, Olivia wasn’t elegant enough. She couldn’t be compared with Jessica, the young lady of the Hall family at all, so Justin found Lucas’ arrangement somewhat reasonable.

“I don’t want to be away from Mommy. And I don’t want to be away from you, Grandpa.” When Olivia thought of her miserable life later on, she cried even more. She had to go to Paris alone and she had to work!

“You will come back one day.” Justin softened his tone and said, “Your brother wants you out to gain experience. Look at Jessica. She is now managing the entire branch company alone. Isn’t that impressive? If you work hard, people will know that you’re not bad either. You are the young lady of the Thomas family!”


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