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Claiming Her Back novel (Jessica and Lucas) novel Chapter 61

Chapter 61 

Justin glared at Olivia. “It‘s all because of you, we have offended the Hall family! Apologize to Jessica now!”

“Grandfather, I have already sent an apology online!”

“Will you apologize to Jessica or not?”

Olivia‘s face turned pale. She did not dare to refute. “Yes.”

The more Justin thought about it, the angrier he became, so he asked Olivia to get away

Early in the morning, Thomas‘ house was filled with resentment and anger.

When Jessica returned to the apartment from the supermarket, the gossip on Twitter had completely disappeared,

and there was nothing left when she searched about Lucas,

Obviously, Lucas had found someone to remove the news.

Hannah wanted Eden to continue spreading the news, but Jessica didn‘t want to bother Eden, so she refused. “No need.”

Sometimes, something being concealed would attract more suspects.

Hannah was puzzled. “Why?” 

Jessica raised her eyebrows. “Don‘t you think that it is more suspicious now?”

Hannah was stunned for a moment. After she understood, she could not help but pat her thigh. “Jessica, you‘re so


Jessica smiled. “Am I?”

She thought Lucas was stupid.

But she didn‘t say that.

Jessica was right. Although Lucas had ordered his men to remove the trending topic in time, he went too far. People felt that he was guilty.

Although they couldn‘t find the news about Lucas and Trissy online, the upper–class circle in LA was talking about

As a close friend of Lucas for more than twenty years, Hari couldn‘t help but speak up for Lucas when he heard those negative remarks.

However, the other party smiled and asked, “Then didn’t Mr. Thomas date Trissy?”

Hari got out of the car and pressed the doorbell. This villa was bought when Lucas had just graduated from university. None of the Thomas family knew about it, and only a few of Lucas’ friends knew

Are you so bored?”


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