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Claiming Her Back novel (Jessica and Lucas) novel Chapter 64

Chapter 64 

Olivia handed over several bags of things. “I came to apologize to you. I was too irrational because of my young age. Please don’t take what I have done seriously.”


If Jessica remembered correctly, Olivia was about the same age as her.

When Jessica heard that, she suddenly chuckled, “If I remember correctly, your birthday falls in February, while mine falls in September.”

Jessica was even younger than Olivia by half a year.

Olivia paused. She did not get Jessica’s point at first. By the time she came back to her senses, Jessica and Wendy had already sat in the car.

The two got into the car, and before Jessica could speak, Wendy had already told the driver to start the car.

The car slowly drove past Olivia. Olivia stood there and stomped her foot angrily.

“Jessica! How dare you say that I’m old!”

Jessica looked at Olivia in the rearview mirror and smiled with joy.

Fifteen minutes later, the car stopped at the entrance of the hotel. The driver came over to help open the door. Jessica got out of the car. “Thank you.”

“It’s my duty, Miss Hall.”

Jessica smiled and said nothing.

Ever since Jessica was exposed to be the daughter of the Hall family, everyone tried to play up to her.

The sudden kindness didn’t trouble Jessica much, though.

The lunch meeting was about the land in the north of Los Angeles. Previously, Jessica was just a general manager of a branch of the Hall Group, so the other side was reluctant to meet her.

But now everyone knows that Jessica was Morgan’s only daughter. As soon as the message went out, the secretary of the other side called Wendy, asking to meet Jessica.

A lot of people were interested in that land, but the Fairbank family was determined to get it. They had invested a lot. To be honest, it was still a little difficult to compete with Derek.

The lunch meeting was very pleasant, but in the end, the other side did not provide anything that Jessica could benefit fro

Jessica didn’t mind at all. The Hall family was somehow able to defeat the Fairbank family anyway


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