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Claiming His Tempting Mate novel Chapter 21

Savannah's POV

"Why did you do that?" I asked as soon as he put me down on the ground.

"Did what?" He looked at me giving his innocent look.

"Why do you have to create such a big drama before everyone? What would they be thinking now?"

He frowned slightly "why would I care about what they think? Does that matter?"

I blinked several times. Is he really serious? What he did before everyone was really embarrassing. Okay, I get that he is my mate but still the PDA was something too much to handle.

"Do you need to show PDA all the time?" I crossed my arms around my chest.

Hardwick followed my action and his gaze fell on my chest and his eyes lingered there. I frowned at him as I looked down only to find my breasts pushed up giving a good view. I bit my lips shaking my head inwardly. Hell, I forgot about this. This man is too horney to make a single move. Before I could remove my hand I found myself being engulfed in a strong pair of arms.

My whole body caged in his strong muscular arms as he raised his lips giving me a sexy smirk "if you think you can seduce me like that then you are totally right" he said as he dipped his head and whispered in my ears "I am so fucking turned on baby"

My eyes widened. When did I seduce him? And how come I never knew of that?

"What are you trying to do?"

"Baby, you are the one who was seducing me like hell. Now, what do you think I am doing?" He chuckled then dropped wet kisses on my neck. My body immediately tingled with every touch. No matter how much I try to control myself, his touches always make me go crazy.

"No, wait...." I trailed my words but at the end it came out like a moan. I gasped when his teeth nipped on the base of my neck.

"Hardwick.." I moaned out. My hands moved and grabbed his shoulder to support myself.

"I am so fucking turned on baby" Hardwick whispered against my skin "so hard that it's hurts".

"Oh ..god, please stop" I moaned loudly.

"Shh.... Lower your voice love. Others will hear your scream though I have no problem with that" he chuckled teasingly.

God, this man will be the death of me. He still has the gut to tease me like this. But I could not control my body nor its reaction. It's like it's going on its own accord without my constant.

"You ..." I bit my lips trying to stop my moan.

"Touch me" he commanded suddenly. My eyes wide open when his words fell in my ear.


He smirked then moved a little "touch me" he said again.

At first I couldn't understand what he meant but when he pulled me towards him forcefully and his erection pressed on my belly, my heart gave a jump. Does he really.... Before I could come into any conclusions he grabbed my hand and placed it directly on his erected bulge.

I gasped loudly. My eyes traveled down to her, my hands were touching his erection. The jeans he was wearing could not hold back his huge bulge as it's clearly visible. My heart raced as my hand came in contact with his private spot. But my shock became his pleasure as he let out a sexy groan.

"Fuck, feel me love. See how you are making me go crazy" he pressed my hand on his erection harder.

"You are responsible for this baby and now you are going to take care of it" he said again.



I looked at him "what?"

He smirked, "I said kneel. You are going to take care of it. Now kneel down" this time it's not just a statement but it's more like a command.

I hate being dominated but when it comes to him it feels like my body wants to agree to whatever he wants. To give in to whatever he asks. Before I knew it, I was already kneeling before him. My face came near his bulge and I gulped down my saliva.

"Open it baby, see what you are doing to me" he said softly.

With shaky hands I reached to his belt and undid it then pulled his pants zipper down. His hand reached down and removed his pants leaving him standing before me in his tight boxers only.

"Come on baby, feel me" he said again. I don't know what I am doing or how I am going to do it. But along with the nervousness my heart is somehow excited. I was never so intimate with any males but the person before me was not anyone but my own mate, my better half. The destined person who was only made for me. Shakily I reached out and pulled his boxers down and immediately his erection sprang out in front of me.

I gasped again when I saw his size. It was simply huge. How will this thing even fit?

I heard him chuckle "don't worry sweetheart I will take care of you when the time comes. Now suck it and tell me how much you wanted it"

I bit my lips as I did what he asked. His dick was already hard like iron. I slowly hold it in my grip and my fingers around it feel smaller. His tip was glistening and I don't know why but I suddenly felt like kissing it. So I learned to put the tip in my mouth. He hissed.

"Ah...yes baby, suck me like that. It's so fucking good" he groaned.

I licked the tip then ran my tongue around his size making him groan. I felt him fisting my hair in his hand as he let out a groan.

"Yes baby...do that ..just like that...." He moaned then pushed his dick in my mouth, almost choking me. I gagged but he didn't stop. He pulled it out then slammed again while his hand gripped my hair.

"It's so...good baby. Your mouth fits so well for my dick. Yes take it baby, take all of me" he continued to talk dirty whole fucking my mouth with his dick. My hands reached to grab his ball, massaging it slowly while his cock was making its way in my mouth.

"Oh fuck .." Hardwick cursed again as he pushed harder, making me gag again. I am damn sure my mouth will hurt after this.

"Yes.... I am cuming love" he groaned loudly before I felt his sticky cum releasing inside my mouth.

"So fucking good" he moaned before pulling his cock out. The tip of his cock was glistening with his cum. I was about to spit but suddenly he kneeled in front of me and held my jaw.

"No baby, you are not gonna spit it out. You are going to swallow it to taste it, to remember it"

He wants me to eat his cum? I looked at him with wide eyes. My mouth was already paining because of his huge size and now that he was holding my jaw I could not help but do as he said. With difficulty I forced myself to swallow down his cum because I know he won't let me spit it out. Though it sounded so dirty, my body felt excited inside. What kind of traitor body have I got?

He smiled when he saw me gulping down "sweet girl. You are so fucking sexy swallowing my cum like that"

Before I could say anything he leaned and claimed my lips which still have his cum lingered on.


I yawned when stretching my arms. I looked around and found myself alone in my tent. There's no sign of Hardwick. I frowned but the scenes of yesterday flashed in my mind. My cheeks warmed up again. He made me do that? I shook my head, oh my god. I am really going insane. This man is making me do things that I have never done before. I haven't even imagined in my dream. Pushing those thoughts I got up from bed and grabbed my new clothes to get ready.


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