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Claiming His Tempting Mate novel Chapter 28

Hardwick's POV

I marched towards Daisy who was standing alone bowing her head. I couldn't help but feel anger rising in my chest. It was a game but how dare she put such a stunt towards my mate. Does she have any idea what would have happened if Savannah didn't avoid the dagger in time?

"Follow me" I ordered using my Alpha tone. I gritted my teeth and walked towards the tent made for the Dark Forest Pack. I can feel Daisy's trembling steps behind me as I walk inside the tent. The silence dropped inside the tent.

"Did you know what sin you have committed today?" I asked her.

"Master that was unintentional" Daisy replied in low tone. I turned around and glared at her.

"Unintentional? Do you take me as a fool? Or do you think I can't see through your plans?" I growled. The thought of my mate getting hurt is unbearable. Yet she still has the gut to lie. No matter how much she tried to act infront of me, I knew her better than anyone.

"Master" Cora and Mark rushed inside and looked at us. Their eyes widened when they saw Daisy trembling.

"I asked you something?" I growled ignoring them. My only focus right now is Daisy and for others I really don't care.

"Master that...that...." Daisy stammered as she bit her lips. Like she is trying hard to refrain herself from speaking which angered me even more.

"That what?" I shouted, making her flinch. "Haven't I warned you before? Yet you still dared to act brazenly?"

Daisy looked up with her teary eyes "master, I couldn't see this. I couldn't endure her. She may be your mate but she....she is taking Delaney's place. I can't see that. It should be Delaney not Savannah" she almost screamed.

"Daisy" Cora gasped as coveted her mouth.

My anger blasted like lava as I heard her shout. In a second her neck was within my grasp and I slammed her on the ground. My wolf raged with anger as we glared down at her. Daisy choked as she tried to struggle free from my hold.

~ Kill her ~ Onyx growled angrily. He is as angry as me.

"What did you say? You really got a gut to utter that name. Looks like my last warning went into deaf ears, doesn't it?" I laughed loudly "who do you think you are to compare a slut with my mate? You even dared to utter your Luna's name without showing any respect" I pressured my hold even more. Snapping her neck is not a big thing. It won't even take a second for me to take her life.

Daisy gasped for air and her skin turned slightly purple. But she couldn't utter a single word. Her struggle stopped and she clutched my wrist trying to free her neck.

"If it was not for your father, who committed himself in the pack and been loyal for years I would have killed you the moment you thought of harming my mate" I gritted my teeth. I have really underestimated this girl's gut and given her many opportunities to rectify her deeds but she will never learn until she gets her punishment.

"Master" Mark called out "she is muddle headed and couldn't think of anything right now. Please forgive her this time"

"Shut up" I turned around and threw a glare. "Where were you two when she came up with such an idea and proposed herself in today's game? You both have been with her for ages and yet couldn't find her action suspicious?"

Cora and Mark lowered their heads.

"Both of you are guilty as her, I will deal with you two after returning back to the pack"

I turned my attention towards Daisy who was almost lying dead. "I have underestimated you but from today onwards you will see what fear looks like" I loosened my grip and stood up.

"Get her back to the pack and send her to the East Side" I ordered.

"East side?" Cora looked shocked and she couldn't hide her gasp too. Looks like they never expected it coming.

"Master this-"

"Do I need your opinion to make my decision?" I glared at Mark. "Don't forget your duty while engaging yourself in emotional pool"

"I am sorry master" he lowered his head and didn't say a word.

"Today her action has already caused havoc and ruined the reputation of our pack. The pack that others viewed as supreme has lost its face because of a mere pack member. Moreover she tried to harm Luna because of her own personal matters. These are enough to prove her guilty. My patience are running out, it will be better if you work faster than questioning my decision"

Cora and Mark picked Daisy up and left the tent. I looked at their disappearing back and clenched my fist.

Delaney? Seriously?

How come that slut got any qualification to get compared with my beautiful mate. Today Daisy's action will definitely give birth to suspicion in Savannah's heart. The members of my own pack are trying to hurt their own Luna without any rhymes and reasons.

~ We need to prepare everything before taking our mate in the pack. This kind of thing should not happen again ~ Onyx growled.

~ I loosened my hold for sometime which caused such great issues ~ I replied.

~ Matter of Delaney should not be brought up in future. I don't want our mate to hate us ~

~ you are right ~ I sighed.

Delaney is the most sensitive matter that ever happened in my life. I really don't want my mate to know about her. If she hates us for this, how will I live? No matter what, the matter of Delaney should be vanished. And this is the right thing to do. I picked up my phone and dialled Ryan's number.

It was almost at the end of the ring that he picked up "what?" He groaned.

"Wh-" because I could say I heard a voice in the background.

"Oh, my god....ah..."

I rolled my eyes. This man could not hold himself before getting laid with women.

"Fuck" Ryan let out a painful groan.

"Can you stop your actions, I have some important matters to talk about," I said in the line.

"Right now?" He asked.

"Right now"

"Fuck man" Ryan cursed then I heard rustling in the background like he is getting out of the bed.

"What happened?"

"Cora and Mark will be taking Daisy back in the pack. I need you to deal with her and send her to East Side"

"What? East side? Are you serious?" Ryan barked.

"Do you think I have free time to joke?"

"But what did she do?"

"She tried to kill my mate. Is that enough?" I gritted my teeth.

"Fuck, is her head filled with waste? How come she suddenly thought of that ridiculous idea?"

"Ask her yourself when she gets there. Make sure she goes to the East Side. Mark and Cora are her close ones and I don't want any emotional drama in between"

"Consider it done. I will personally deal with this matter" Ryan assured.

"Good. Get it done before I return back"

"Will you be bringing Luna back?"


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