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Claiming His Tempting Mate novel Chapter 56

Savannah's POV

"What? Are you shocked?" Daisy smirked. Her smirk was like a mocking laugh. "Do you think you can hide it well? Look at you, you had a mate yet you weren't satisfied with him. So now you are pretending to be all innocent and seduced Master. How could you be so shameless? You not only seduced our Master yet you ruined my sister's life. You are such a bitch that only knows how entice men with an innocent looking face"

My fist clenched as I walked towards Daisy. She was standing there all proud. Like whatever she was saying is reasonable and she has all the right.

"Come again" I gritted my teeth.

"Don't think just because Master shows his care for you I will be scared. How dare you ruin my sister's lifelong wish and put her in such a miserable state? Who do you think you are? A two faced person like you is never qualified to be entitled as Luna of our pack. It was always my sister who deserved such a position. But you had to come and ruin everything. Do you know how much she suffered just to make the Master look at her?" She glared.

"How? By offering her own body even when Hardwick was not in his senses?" I asked her.

Daisy's eyes widened as her face turned red with anger "It was a mistake at a young age. Besides there's no wrong for them to sleep when they have affection" she said through gritted teeth.

"You are still so pointless?" I frowned. I really can't understand what's the actual problem of these sisters. One was so infatuated that lost all sanity and now the other is seeking justice with unreasonable points.

"Can't you and your sister see clearly that the man whom you both were placing as being ruined by me was not interested in this matter at all? Delaney knows it clearly but she is not ready to accept this truth because she is scared, she has the heart of a coward who can't accept the truth but chooses to believe in her false imagination to live on. And now you are doing the same, thinking your sister is all innocent and making her the great victim"

"She is the victim of your schemes" Daisy yelled "she would have had Master's lov-"

"No she won't" I cut her in the middle. "If there's any feelings in his heart then your sister would already be the Luna of this pack and I would have never existed here at all. But look at me, I am here standing right before you. Do you want more clear evidence?"

"Don't try to distract me with your words. It was you who destroyed their relationship. How could you even say that? Don't you feel guilty fir ruining my sister like that?"

"Guilty is when there's something wrong but as far I know I have never done anything to feel guilty. Neither for myself nor for anyone. And I think you know this too"

She looked at me for a moment before letting out a hysterical laugh "you think you can stop me with all those words? Do you take me for a fool?" Her eyes turned dark "don't think that just because my sister is gone you will be happy. As long as I love I will make your life a living hell. Because of you my sister is gone and I will be never be able to see anymore and I won't let you live well too"

"Have you ever thought about what would happen to your sister's real mate? She never tried to find her real mate yet chased after the man who was not her mate. Whether you and your sister accept it or not but the truth is the truth and no one can change it. I am here because Hardwick is my mate, even if we stay away from each other, our bond will connect together" I tried to explain to her. She is so reluctant that she is not letting herself understand the fact.

Daisy laughed "mate? Are you kidding me? You already had one in your ex-pack. After being slut for so many years you turned your mind here. Why did you left that previous pack? Couldn't Alpha Avan satisfy your need? She smirked.

"You better watch your tongue," I warned.

Daisy just smiled "are you angry because I said the truth. You also know it right. You were just a slut born by another slut-" her words stopped in the middle when I grabbed her neck.

"What did you say?" I gritted my teeth.

"Yo-u b-it-c le-t me-go" she struggled to free herself from my clutch.

"You really have a huge gut to insult my mother who has nothing to do with it. You really dared to drag her in this mess, didn't it? Like your sister you are also a fool who couldn't see what truth is yet went around fooling yourselves. Are you that blind that I can't tell the clear truth? I had enough of your insulting words" I growled "if you dare to drag my mother in this...." I pinched her neck and her face turned pale and blue. "I will make sure you will never able to talk again"

Daisy's eyes widened as her skin started to change its original colour. Her body became still and her struggle stopped. She was looking at me with wide eyes. Gritting my teeth I pushed her on the ground and glared at her. She rolled ok on the ground then coughed. Her hand was rubbing her neck as if trying to soothe the pain.

She raised her head as she looked at me with wide eyes. She opened her mouth and tried to say something but nothing came out. She tried again and again but couldn't speak at all. Then shock plastered on her face as if she realised something. She got up trembling then ran away as fast as she could. I watched her leaving then rolled my eyes.

"Mistress, what happened to Daisy? Has she lost her vocal power?" Jenny asked.

I shook my head "no, it's temporary"

I wish I could make it permanent.


In the evening Hardwick returned home. He looked exhausted when he entered the room.

"How long have you were reading the book?" He asked as he removed his blazer then strode towards me.

"It's just an hour"

"Are you tired?" He asked, frowning.

I laughed "shouldn't it be my line?"

He chuckled "yeah may be"

"How's things go in there?" I closed the book and focused all my attention on him. He sat on the bed and smiled.

"There's obstacles but I will always manage to get my goal"

"What happened?"

"The elders were angry. They want me to forgive her and accept her in the pack again" he shrugged.

"The elders looks supportive of her"

"They are but that doesn't mean they can paster their fucking reason on me. I am the Alpha and no matter what they have to obey me and my rules" Hardwick clenched his fist.

"What did they actually say?"

He sighed "She has been there for 7 years so the elders are attached to her. They even forgave for what she did years ago. Today when I went there, those elders tried to persuade me to let her go. Some even said that I am being too cruel to punish her like that. They said since it's already so many years about matter I should let it go and move on so there's no need for punishing her again"

"They were that supportive?" I frowned "I never knew Delaney could really win the hearts of elders"

"She is a sweet talker, and would do anything to take the situation in her advantage"

"What about their father?"

"He is here nor he knows about what his daughters are doing" he shook his head "ever since Delaney got discovered he didn't show up himself. At this time I don't even know if he is alive or not"

"It's so strange that his daughters are rebelling yet as their father he is totally out of line unaware of everything" I rolled my eyes. I really want him to look at how raised his daughters.

"What happened? you seem a little off today? He scooted closer to me as he asked.

"Today Daisy came to confront me"

"She what?" Hardwick frowned.

"I think she was not satisfied with what happened to her sister so she came to me"

"What did she do?" I can see Hardwick clenching his jaw. I put my hand on his face and smiled.

"You are thinking too much. Why are you so angry?"

"Why can't I? She is creating trouble again just like her sister. Are both sisters made for ruining others' lives?"

I laughed "may be they feel happy when they does that"

"I will never let them harm you" he hold my hand and his eyes softened "they are becoming dangerous but don't worry they won't be able to snatch you away from me"

I sighed "I think we need to keep an eye on Daisy. The way she behaved today, I think there will be lots of problem in the future"

"Don't worry leave her matter to me"


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