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Claiming His Tempting Mate novel Chapter 60

Hardwick's POV

I walked inside the study and loosened the button on my shirt. Sitting down on the chair I grabbed the first file placed on the table. Last night was a wild one. I couldn't ignore the flashing scenes in my head.

Fuck. I shook my head. What the hell is happening? My mind is clouded with the thoughts of my mate. And besides that I couldn't think of anything.

~ We should not have left her like that ~ Onyx said in my mind.

~ Can't help it. We have works to do ~

~ She looked so sexy last night. I almost thought she is kind of fairy who was sent here for us ~

~ Hm....feelings are mutual buddy ~

I flipped the pages running my eyes through the content.

~ Our mate is beautiful and she is ready to get the title officially ~

I frowned. Onyx is right. It has been over months and now it's the perfect time to crown her as Luna officially. Though the whole pack knows about her identity but East Side doesn't know much about her. I guess they haven't seen her at all. So I can't take more time and delay the ceremony. I need to arrange it fast.

"Finally you are here. I have been looking for you in the whole pack" Ryan walked in with a sigh. I looked up and found him sitting on the chair with thud.

"What happened?"

"I thought you went out for a jog"

Jog? I just woke up and even missed jogging time. With Savannah in my arms I don't know how long I have slept. With her I don't have any idea of time.

"I missed jogging," I replied.

"Missed?" Ryan frowned at first then he suddenly smiled "do you mean you were busy doing 'that' ?"

"You really have free time to talk about it?"

"I am just curious. You never miss your scheduled activities you know" he shrugged.

I closed the file and threw it aside "forget about it. What's the news about them?"

"Avan is not resting. I heard he is planning quietly this time. Even his father doesn't know about it. It seems he want to sneak attack"

"He is a coward so he will definitely use that way. Since he got another helping hand then how can leave this matter. After All he has been so eager to step in for such a long time"

"This is not the only thing. There's some other news too"

"Like?" I raised an eyebrow.

"Like he made a peace treaty recently with a more beneficial conditions"

"With whom?"

"Red Hunt Pack" Ryan pushed a few photos towards me "the meeting was held 3 days ago. Our informers took these photographs. The condition under which the two pack agreed to have the peace was Red Hunt will get the land beside Valley while in return Bright Shine will get half amount of Red Hint's weapons"

"What a good treaty!" I rolled my eyes. "Red Hunt is shrewd. They couldn't wait to get their hands over the property"

"But Avan didn't lose anything I guess. The valley land has not been active for so many years. So even if Red Hunt wanted to make it as their main base or something they need to work a lot on it. It's not easy to build some in such a wasteland so suddenly without preparation" Ryan shook his head.

"What weapons are they trading?" I asked, folding my arms around my chest.

"I heard years ago Red Hunt got a special stone called 'Corela' . I don't know how true it was but the stone can harm the wolf tribe severely. So Red Hunt has been making weapons using this stone"

"Stone?" I frowned "I have never heard about it. Is that why that bastard wanted to deal with them?"

"Who knows? It's not proven yet"

I slapped the table "I don't care about their fucking deals. What I want is for him to stay fucking away from my mate"

"Avan is a really ambitious person. He won't let it go so easily. Besides Luna was his ex mate and since D-"

"I know that. You need to pay more attention to them. I don't want them to take advantage of any small things"

"Don't worry. I will check on them from time to time" he nodded.

"I want to discuss about something important matter"

"Wait" he smirked and leaned a little "is it about Luna?"

I narrowed my eyes at him "looks like you are more attentive to my mate"

"Of course not. It's just Jenny is close to Luna so I can hear some of their gossips" he tried to defend himself.

"I never knew you are also interested girl's gossips"

"Hey, don't be like that. I need to keep harmony with me mate"

I rolled my eyes "I am not interested in your gossip"

"So is it about Luna?" He wiggled his eyebrows.


"What about it?"

"It's high time that I should organise a crowning ceremony for Savannah" I said with a smile.

"What?" Ryan looked surprised "are you sure?'

"It's already long enough. Though the whole pack knows but I want to make it official for every other person to know it"

"That's great. I was also thinking about it. After that you can get married"

"You more excited than me"

"Of course" he smirked "once you get married then I can follow the rule"

I rolled my eyes at his words.

Savannah's POV

"So how's the night?" Tanea's happy voice rang in the phone.

"Good," I replied curtly.

"Just good? What the hell? Didn't he like the arrangements?"

"He did"

"And then?"

"Do you want a detailed description now?" I asked as I looked at the phone rolling my eyes.

"Of course not. I just want to know whether you tried what I said to you or not"

"That ...." I blushed when the last night scene flashed in my mind. How am I going to say that?

"What? I am waiting. Have you done that?"


"What hmm.. just tell me. Did you give him blowjob?"

My eyes widened "what the hell? How could you say that so loudly!" I scolded her.

"Who will hear it?" I can feel that she is rolling her eyes.

"Does it matter? You really don't need to shout like that"

"Oh come on Sav. Don't be shy now. There's nothing to hide anymore. Men like it and when their partners put in the effort to do it perfectly it makes them happy. Really, really happy"

"Oh my god, Tanea you are so shameless" I shook my head.

She chuckled "what's there to be shameless? All man likes a good blowjob no matter what"

"Okay stop it, I have heard enough" I rolled my eyes.

"So you did it don't you" Tanea said again. Looks like she won't stop until I tell her everything.

"Fine, I did," I said, gritting my teeth. This woman really knows how to irritate anyone.

"I knew it" she squealed suddenly "I knew that you will definitely do it"

"You were so sure?"

"Of course" she laughed "I know you wanted to do it. And I am really glad. At least you tried it"

"Stop it you are just-" suddenly my head felt dizzy. I held my head and rubbed my temple. What happened so suddenly?

"Sav are you okay?"


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