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Crash-landed On An Island With Nine Beauties novel Chapter 53

Damien took a few seconds to observe their facial expressions. None of them seemed amused, keeping such a long face as though they'd been forced. Yet, they had just blown his mind.

To think that all nine girls would do anything to suck his dick. He tried avoiding the possible thoughts of throwing sex at them, how would they react then?

A part of him still found it quite hard to believe of course, but he didn't want to be a party-pooper. After all, at the end of the shooting class, the truth of the matter would come to light.

"Let's get to work then."

He pretended not to be intrigued by their sudden interest in him.

"Step into the circles I drew. The circles at the front of each of you."

The silence was choking. The scene was familiar. He tossed the odds aside.

"We will be practicing all day then."

He proposed.

"Put the end of the stock on your left shoulder..."

As he gave out the instructions, he observed their actions. It was clear now that they were really in for it this time.

He couldn't help but take Claire in his gaze. Their eyes met. She looked away too quickly, feigning an attention to the duster hanging on the post.


He called and all the girls went for it all at once.


He nodded.

"That's way too poor. Don't tell me that that's how badly you'll do the blow job."

The reaction Lisa and Tendzel gave after those words of his were funny but he couldn't laugh out loud for a reason.

To think of it, it seemed as though he had an idea of what was going on in their mind. Something like, HOW COULD HE BE SO BLUNT. HOW COULD HE SAY SUCH A THING WITH A STRAIGHT FACE?

"We are going to give it another shot."

He halted behind Ayisha. She was focused. He peeped at the corner of her face. The manner at which her jaws were stiffened, it was obvious that she had an ulterior motive for learning how to shoot.

There were more than enough arrows he had made several weeks ago while he had made the bows he used to use for hunting.

"I should really learn how to shoot, so I could finally bring the bastard down. The bastard who kissed me without my permission."

Claire's voice was so loud that none of the girls could pretend not to have heard her loudly and clearly.

Damien chuckled. They all knew who she was referring to.

"Yes you should, so that you can at least try."

She turned to him with a glare.

"Let's wait and see then. Whether or not it'll end as a try. Or if you'll be gone for good."


The voice came too quickly that it was hard to tell who the owner of the voice was. Why? Like four of the girls were gawking at Claire. It could be any of them.

Damien didn't want to waste his time on things so unnecessary.

"Let's make a sort of bet before everyone, Claire."

Damien walked to the front where all eyes could see him. He edged towards Claire and stood before her particularly.

"I want everyone to be a witness."

He started. He could see Claire gulp in anticipation, but her eyes said something different.

"You'll get three chances."

He could tell that none of the girls understood what he was hinting at. He chuckled softly.

"If you are unable to scratch me with your arrow after three tries, then you'll do whatever I say!!!"

He moved closer to her, pushing his face forward. His eyes strayed to Mira. Of course he remembered what Mira told him about stirring up a wave of jealousy. But he wouldn't be tossed around by the words of a girl!

"Are you in?"

He whispered the words softly into her face. Her eyes slowly skip through his eyes to his lips. She gulped, pursing her lips. Then she looked away.

"This fool is so full of himself."

She scoffed. Damien took two steps back.

"Is that a yes or no?"

He wanted to hear her speak in plain words.


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