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Cruel World novel Chapter 64

Chap 63


'wow...looks like a lot has happened in the Grey Mansion...God is finally sending his blessing' Mark respond mockingly

Sarah shakes her head at his brother sarcastic comments. She knows he is still not happy with her decision that she is with Theo but thank god they don't have any issue with their relationship.

Mark usually calls her many times in a month and today like any call his first question was. Are you ok? hows ava? Are they treating you well? And much other...no matter how many time she tries to make him relax that she is more than fine he still doesn't believe it

Same happens today as she was telling him about Tom and Lisa departure to London.

He sounds relief finally his sister will be in peace...his words, not hers...Sarah still can't shake the feeling when she bid goodbye to lisa...how fragile and weak she looks.....she is not that Lisa she use to be...it someone else...and Tom he looks depressed and even, in the end, they both were begging Sarah to forgive them.

Sarah can't see their pain and said all these words that she said before that she did forgive them and promise them that she will remain in contact with them ...and Sarah truly did maybe that's why tom & Lisa looked little relax and smiled at the goodbye.

Sarah said with a composed tone 'Mark I know you are angry but please don't say such stuff ...it doesn't suit you...if you have seen them then you would also feel bad'

Mark sighs 'sister you are too good for them ...you know that... I mean I know what they lost its too big and I did feel sorry for that but I will never be sorry for them. it's their own doing....you know what I feel bad ...when I saw you behind the bar ...when I saw crying...when I saw you in the hospital..When' mark voice shake like he was crying

even Sarah shed some tears 'mark... I love you... I love you so much....you were there for me when i lost all hope.....but please, believe me, I'm so changed ...things are so changed and I also didn't forget anything. But moving on is my next motto so you have to be'

Mark didn't say anything next. Sarah then changes the topic 'so when you are coming to meet me... I miss you'

Mark's voice changed into happy one 'oh yes about that I might come in this week...there is some huge deal that we have cracked so I might come ...we can make some plans and meet somewhere'

Sarah walks towards her room balcony and saw Theo and Ava playing.She smiled, her heart beat with happiness when she saw Theo and Ava like that.

Sarah then replied 'sure I will love to ....maybe you can come to a home and have dinner with us'

Mark said with venom in his voice 'no I don't want to come to that house ...where that theo exit'

Sarah sighs 'mark not again...I'm really tired and believe me it will be no problem ....things are changed...if I can sure as hell work then you can come to my house'

Mark replied 'ok I will think about it'

Sarah said her goodbye to his brother and closes her eyes. Sarah was right things are changed...she can feel it...she feels confident...even Theo is so nice to her...that it made her forget things for a moment but then it comes back with such a force that it made her take a cautious step.

She flinched when she heard Ava loud giggling. She opens her eyes and saw from the trace Theo has put her into the swing

'Daddy faster. I want to fly ' Ava giggled

Theo also laughed 'really you want to fly' theo then saw Sarah standing in the balcony

She waved both of them and decided to join them

After a moment she was with Theo and Ava...well Ava was in the tri cycle...another gift from her father

They both sit down and enjoy the cup of coffee ' it's good to have an off from the office ...so who were you talking to' Theo asked and yelled at Ava not to go far

Sarah took a sip 'it was mark....he is coming in this week to New York. He was asking me to meet him somewhere'

Theo nodes and then said 'why don't you invite him here...he can spend some time with you and Ava...he can also live here till the end of his visit'

Sarah looked at him and saw he was really genuine about it.. 'I actually did ..He was ...he was not really excited to come here...just told me he will think about it.....you have no problem mark coming in your house' she bites her lip

Theo grace her cheeks and smiled 'our house baby...and no I don't mind.. he is family and I think it will be good for mark and me to clear the bad air and I know it the tough call but I will do anything for you'

Sarah looked him in the eyes and nodes. She is still confused about her feeling with Theo, moments like these made her feel like that maybe she is still in love with him....but those other memories she has in her dark portion of her mind can't let her start over completely

Then she heard Ava scream and crying voice...Theo runes to their daughter who has fallen down from her cycle.

Sarah put her hand on heart and looked terrified 'is she ok' she saw Ava crying badly and clinging badly to Theo neck

Theo eyes looked worried too 'hey baby its ok you are fine...nothing happens just a scratch....(he then picked Ava and looked at Sarah) she is fine ...she just got scared more let's go and clean her up'

Ava found sarah eyes 'mama...i fell' sarah eyes get moist.

she kisses her hands 'oh sweetie daddy is right you are all right, a cute butterfly band will heal you'

Theo put Ava in their bed and bring the first aid box...Ava put her head in sarah lab 'daddy is it going to hurt?' she looked scared

Theo smiled in a comforting manner 'not too much..just a little pinch'

Ava nodes. Theo handshakes like he was also cant bear his daughter pain and that made Sarah more fall for this man

Sarah keep saying comforting words to distract her ...theo took the antis-pectic and put it on a cotton to clean her wounds in her knees. Ava made a hissing sound, after putting the bandage theo kissed Ava cheeks 'look its all done...and you were so brave....isn't she mama' he smiled at Sarah

Sarah also excitedly said 'oh yes our Ava is a big girl...she is very brave'

Ava also nodes 'I'm then like dora..she also fall down on the tv but she was ok then'

Theo picked her 'you are my little Dora and whatever you watched on tv some oggy or Maggie I don't know'

Ava giggled and put her hands on theo face'daddy that oggy and the cococo and he is a cat, I'm not a cat'

Theo winked at her 'oh im sorry daddy is silly .....ok how about we have some snacks and watched the oggy and your coocoo '

Ava yelled in excitement yayhh...sarah smiled at them and said she will bring something


Ava rubbed her eyes ...she was in the middle of the bed while sarah and theo were on their side watching some funny cartoons that made Sarah laughed too....sarah was enjoying a lot her little family day on the bed...she saw theo hold her hands and squeezed it like he was also enjoying that a lot

After the end of the cartoons. Ava was flat down on theo chest .....Theo then said to Sarah 'we have to meet Becca in the evening'

Sarah and Theo attend many session with Becca and surprisingly it's doing a lot of great work on her personality even in their relationship...theo and Becca was right opening up had led her to feel refresh and less confused and less burdened but this session with Becca is very important as Becca told them she will tell her final verdict what she has thought and decided for them,

Sarah replied softly 'yes I remember....no wonder what she wants to talk'

Theo shrugs 'don't know what we have to go and see what she has stored for us'


Chapter 64: chap63 1


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