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Daddy, don't flirt novel Chapter 436

Joey's sobbing gradually faded. And finally she fell into Duke's arms, wrapped her arms around his neck, and looked at Duke affectionately, "Duke, I really like you. I have never stopped thinking about you for five years. Never stopped. Do you still like me?"

As long as he is a normal man, he will be moved when seeing his beloved woman looking at him like this.

Duke lowered his head slightly, and kissed Joey's lips, using his actions to prove it.

Fortunately, they are sitting in a courting chair, and the position is relatively off. No matter what they do, no one will think it is strange.

But every time Duke kissed Joey, his heart would beat violently, heavily, suffocatingly, making him feel like he was doing something wrong.

Joey was very active today, even more active than she was five years ago, and immediately erased the guilt in Duke's heart and made him fascinated by the passionate kiss.

Only then did Duke thoroughly realize that even though his heart and eyes were blinded, his body had not forgotten the girl who saved him.


Since then, Wendy hasn't seen Duke for half a month. As always, she could only see Duke on the 20th of every month. Even Bruce, who was often with him, had no idea about where Duke was.

Wendy had no intention to work and sent a text message to Jamie who had recently returned to China and brought Bunny back. Wendy felt happy when she thought of that cute kid.

She likes cute people or things. No one will dislike a kid as cute as Bunny.

Rubbing her eyes, Wendy stretched tiredly.

Having glanced at the time, she found that it was six o'clock, so after a while she left the company.

The company was still in the hands of her father, so Wendy's job was relatively easy. It took her five years to climb from the grassroots to the position of general manager. The employees in the company are convinced of her.

Wendy's career has always been smooth, without much setbacks.

If there is any setback, it is not about work, but about love.

She was going to a dinner that night. Her father has just handed her the cooperation proposal with Lan's Enterprise. She went there to negotiate the cooperation with Lan's Enterprise.

In fact, it was enough to send an assistant or secretary to negotiate, because the cooperation with Lan's enterprise was not important, but after maintaining such a long cooperative relationship, they still had to give Lan's enterprise some respect.

At about seven o'clock, Wendy arrived at the Star Hotel, told the waiter in the lobby who was invited, and followed the waiter into the elevator.

Actually Wendy didn't like the Lan family at all, but she knew that there is a clear distinction between business and privateness.

"Hello, Mr Lan." Wendy was polite and thoughtful, with a smile on her face.

"Isn't this Wendy? You have grown up." James Lan was surprised for a moment, stretched out his hand and shook hands with Wendy with a smile on his face, and then arranged seats for everyone.

Although James hadn't seen Wendy for a long time, he always heard her father mention her and her impressive professional experience.

In just five years, by virtue of her own ability, from a low-level employee to general manager, her ability should not be underestimated.

They talked about cooperation first. At the beginning, James wanted to take advantage of Wendy's young age and her lack of experience to suppress her. As a result, Wendy was not fooled at all and handled it very well.

Finally, they signed the contract before letting the waiter serve the food.

Wendy glanced at her watch and found that the conversation has lasted for an hour. Fortunately, she had already called her home tonight so that the family wouldn't have to wait for her to eat.


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