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Dear Ex-Wife You Are MINE (Victoria and Alessandro) novel Chapter 151


Beep... Beep... Beep...

I woke up with sharp pain and an annoying ringtone ringing in my head. My head is throbbing and felt heavy. I groaned a little and opened my eyes. Yet, everything seemed dark in front of me.

Beep... beep... beep...

I heard the phone ringing once again.

I rubbed my eyes vigorously and again opened my eyes. This time things turned clearer. I find myself in the jet. Sitting in my seat and the empty food tray was on the table.

Beep... Beep...

The phone rang again. I stared at the screen and it was Antonio. Wait! why is he calling me continuously?

I turned beside to see Victoria. However, her place was empty! Only her Gucci bag was lying on the seat.

I sat straight. Something is off. I don't really understand what happened, yet nothing seems right at all.

I received the call immediately, "Antonio!"

"Where the fuck were you!? I and Sage kept trying you again and again! None of you are picking up calls! Where is Vic!?" He anxiously asked and my heart clenched tight strangely.

"I don't know! We were ....." I explained to him that I fell asleep and now when I woke up, Victoria is not beside me. Antonio remained silent for a second before speaking, "Alessandro, there are lots of strange things happening. Sage knows it all and I am currently on my way to Italy with Sage. You don't worry, I will be there in half an hour." Saying he cut the call.

"Antonio... Hello!" But he cut the call already. What on earth did he mean by his words!? What strange things!? Everything seemed so confusing! And where the fuck are Victoria and the other crew members!?

I looked around to search for Victoria, yet she is nowhere around. Strange, where she could go? And for how long this tray is here? The crews seemed so irresponsible!

I rang the bell that was placed in one corner. However, no response! I rang a few times and no response at all.

It's weird. I stood up from my seat and walked to the crew Cabin. I knocked on the wall, but again no response. So, I decided to peek inside and when I did, I could not help but gasp.

Everyone was sleeping! What the fuck!? I went inside and called the co-pilot, Richard. I know him, he is always with Maxim.

He did not respond. All of them are sleeping and this is so fucking weird! I patted his shoulder lightly and when he did not respond, I pushed him with a little force. This seemed working as he moved and his brows furrowed.

I called him again and he finally opened his eyes. He groaned and then opened his eyes. He seemed uncomfortable and asked for water. I handed him the water bottle.

After drinking, he might get back his sanity as he opened his eyes and the moment his eyes fell on me, his eyes widened and he stood up right away.

"Mr Devonte, what are you doing here?! Is everything alright!?"

I turned to the sleeping air hostesses and shook my head. "I don't think so. You were all sleeping. Did you see my wife? And..." I frowned recalling one thing, "Where is pilot Samuel?"

Richard blinked and then turned around. He gasped immediately when he watched the sleeping air hostesses. He immediately woke them up and all of them seemed to wake up from a very deep sleep!

No one has seen Victoria and Samuel! My heartbeat started raising. And surprisingly, the jet has landed in Its actual place! Then where would they go!?

I wanted to call Victoria but her phone was in her purse! Goodness! Where is she!? Everything started kicking in me. We all ate our lunch and all fell asleep together!? And now, Victoria and Samuel are missing!

What if she is in... No! I shook my head immediately and recalled Antonio's words. Why the fuck he sounded so anxious!? Oh God! The pain in my head increased! Victoria's thoughts are making me insane!

I guess, I was forgetting something! But, I couldn't recall it! I pressurised my brain and oh! I remember! tracker! I put a tracker in her ring!

Immediately I brought out my phone and tried to track her with it. But, what is this showing? It's showing she is on the plane!

I started searching right away and ordered other crews to help me. They did and finally, I got it. Not Victoria but the ring. No! She slipped it on the plane! Shit!

I just hope, wherever she is, she is fine!

Chapter 151 I need your help. Once again. 1

Chapter 151 I need your help. Once again. 2


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