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Dragon Lord Crane Smith novel Chapter 33

"You'll have to go anyway, so behave yourself at the party tonight!"

Just when Flora was in unprecedented despair, an old voice resounded throughout the room, and it reached Flora's ears. She looked up sharply, only to see a large group of people walking out from the back hall.

The one at the head of the group was an older crone, and it was she who had just said the words, not to be questioned in the slightest.

In the past, Flora did not dare to disobey this one, because this was her grandmother, and even more so, the current ruler of the Chambers family, and it was this old lady who gave the word back then that made Flora homeless.

A few years had passed, Flora was no longer the girl who was afraid to fight for anything.

Not to mention, she had two daughters, how could she do such a thing!

"Grandma, I can't do this!"

"I already have daughters, if this gets out, how will they judge my daughters?!"

Flora argued reasonably.

But the old lady snorted coldly and said indifferently, "Your chastity is long gone, what reputation do you think you have left after what happened back then?"

"Furthermore, it's about the development of the Chambers family, how will your two little bastards be perceived is as important as the future of the family?"

"Grandma is right, compared to the future of the Chambers family, those two little bastards are no big deal even if they die. They are not recognized by our family."

The young man who had been accompanying the old lady echoed the sentiment.

"Samuel Chambers, you son of a bitch!"

Flora was furious.

It's fine for her to be humiliated herself, but definitely not when her daughters are involved!

Samuel Chambers didn't care, instead he laughed and said, "Flora, you were even willing to accompany a random back then and gave birth to two sinful children, what a big deal you stay with Mr. Bernard tonight?"

"Forget it, I guess you are trying to blackmail us with this matter to ask for some favors, so, as long as you can accompany Mr. Bernard, we will not begrudge you."

"Well, we can give you two or three hundred thousand, but the benefit of your parents and your brother is gone."

When these words came out, Flora’s parents and her younger brother all turned pale.

"Brother, this is not the same as what we agreed before. Grandma promised that as long as Flora stays with Mr. Bernard for one night, I will be the sales manager of the company."

"Yes, you promised our family, you can't suddenly change your mind!"

"Mom, Carver has grown up, we should give him some chance to serve the Chambers family."

Hearing that, Flora felt heartbreaking.

Two or three hundred thousand to get her to climb into another man's bed?

A manager's position makes her a slut?

"Dad, Mom, brother, you're so mean!"

Flora wanted to curse, but she didn't have much strength left.

As Samuel watched this scene, he was gorgeous.

Back then, Flora was excellent that his grandma valued her and even intended to give her the position of president of the Chambers family.

At that time, Samuel had also privately denigrated Flora, however, he was scolded away by the old lady.


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