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Dragon Master novel Maximilian novel Chapter 173

Barney went down on his knees.

Seeing this scene, Cassius, the secretary, and Connor were all stunned. Everyone except Maximilian was stunned.

Barney was the person reaching the top in H City and he could be said to be the local tyrant in H City! Such a bigwig knelt, which was quite unexpected.

“Barney, you... what’s going on? How can you kneel? You are the top leader in H City. How can you kneel?”

The secretary’s eyes turned red. As the saying goes, when a prince is disgraced, a courtier should die of loyalty. Barney had knelt, which was already a shame, so the secretary had to find a way to save face for Barney.

“Why can’t I? You all kneel. Cassius, ask all your men to kneel to Mr. Maximilian!” Barney said through gritted teeth.

The secretary hesitated before kneeling helplessly.

“Kneel quickly. Barney has already knelt. How can you guys still stand and watch? You all kneel to Mr. Maximilian. Two of you come to support me so that I can kneel for him.”

Cassius’s thought was flexible. Seeing his patron’s behavior, he knew he had to admit his mistake immediately; otherwise, what he was waiting for was death.

Two men came over to support Cassius. Cassius’s limbs were all broken, which was extremely painful. Cassius desperately endured the pain through gritted teeth and kept groaning in his mouth. He had broken out into a cold sweat all over.

The subordinates supported Cassius and helped him to kneel. Cassius forced a smile and said very humbly, “Mr. Maximilian, I failed to recognize you before. Please forgive me.”

Barney glanced at Cassius. He was so angry that his whole body was trembling. If it weren’t for Cassius who had provoked Maximilian, the catastrophe would have been avoided.

Barney gave a hard slap on Cassius’s face with an angry backhand, “You idiot! How dare you provoke Mr. Maximilian? You are so bold!”

“Yes, Barney, what you said is right. It is all my fault. I can’t redeem it even if I die a hundred times. I will be at Mr. Maximilian’s disposal.”

Cassius, who got smacked in the face, lowered his head and did not dare to resist, but he felt quite bitter in his heart.

If Cassius had another chance, he would kill Andrew and Franklin for sure.

“Mr. Maximilian, I want to confess to you. It was Andrew and his son Franklin who paid 5 million and asked me to send people to make trouble for you. I was instigated by others. Now, I’m telling you the truth, so I can take credit for it, right?” Cassius said with hope in his eyes.

“I knew it a long time ago. Do you think you will be fine if you confess the chief plotter behind?” Maximilian asked with a smile.

“No, I just...just report it. I have to let you know who is hurting you. I’m willing to redeem myself and serve you in the future.”

Barney followed, “Mr. Maximilian, I’m also willing to serve you. You need people on your side in H City. It’s not reliable to rely on Connor alone. I can do many things that he can’t do.”

In an instant, Barney had the idea of riding on Maximilian’s coattails. Sometimes a crisis could also be an opportunity. Although he offended Maximilian this time, as long as he admitted his mistake and worked hard for Maximilian, he would be one of Maximilian’s men in the future.

If he could work for Maximilian, who was extremely powerful, he would have a bright future as well!

When Barney thought about this, he became more excited and made a kowtow to Maximilian, “Mr. Maximilian, I know I was wrong this time. I hope to regard you as my foster father. I will listen to you in the future and I can do anything for you!”

At this moment, Barney didn’t want any self-respect at all and all he wanted to do was to lower his posture, got through this crisis, and rode on Maximilian’s coattails.


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