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Dragon Master novel Maximilian novel Chapter 232

Maximilian and Victoria walked into the yard with Alfie and the others. Soon they arrived at Hugo’s room. Hugo, in red birthday outfits, sat on a old-fashioned wooden armchair.

His oldest child Carson and the third child Gibson sat separately on the left and right side of him.

Sylvie held a cup of tea and passed it to Hugo with smile.

Hugo took over the tea and nodded slightly, “Well done, Sylvie. I have heard that you are being an excellent housewife in the Mitchell family. Your father-in-law has spoken highly of you.”

Sylvie said with great gratification, “It is all due to my father’s good teaching; otherwise I wouldn’t have achieved such honor.”

“Keep on trying your best.” Hugo said to Sylvie.

Sylvie went to one side of Hugo, looking at Laura smugly.

Laura was frightened. She held a cup of tea and reluctantly walked toward Hugo and passed him the tea.

Hugo took over the tea and directly put it on the table without drinking it.

He said to Laura, “Laura, you need to learn from your sister and learn from what she did. Your son-in-law, forget it. I will get irritated by mentioning the loser’s name.

Because of Maximilian, Laura was no longer the favorite daughter in the family. On the contrary, she became a doormat, disliked by her father and brothers.

Laura’s face became iron green, seeming a bit distracted.


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