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Dragon Master novel Maximilian novel Chapter 238

In the Atrium, Hugo sat at main seat and Carson was presenting his birthday gift to Hugo and expressing his best wishes to him.

After Carson and members of his generation presented their gifts and sat next to Hugo, then it was the turn for Alfie and his generation to present their gifts.

Alfie straightened up his clothes, walked up to Hugo with a long red sandalwood box in his hand, and then he opened the box.

“Grandfather, I wish you all the best with a piece of jade.”

“Well. I’ll take it.” Hugo said with a smile.

Tommy came over holding a statue of the god of longevity and said with a smile on his face, “Grandfather, I wish you a long life and a good health with a stone-carved God of Longevity.”

“Well, Tommy is also a good boy.”

Maggie walked to Hugo with a brocade box, then she opened the box, in which lied an old ginseng.

“Grandpa, I’d like to give you the hundred-year-old ginseng and to wish you happiness and longevity.”

“My sweet granddaughter, I like it so much.”

Jessica and Oscar came forward together, then Jessica took out a Hotan jade pendant of the Goddess of Mercy,

“Grandpa, I wish you a good health and longevity with this Hotan jade pendant of the Goddess of Mercy.”

“Ha ha.” Hugo grinned broadly with a great joy.

“Dad, Drew is here and he has been busy up to now in preparing for your birthday gift.” Carson said with a smug smile.

Hugo looked out of the door with a smile on his face, “Is he? It’s no wonder that I did not see him today. It turns out that he was preparing a gift for me. What a good boy!”

Dressed in a Louis Vuitton suit, Drew walked into the hall in high spirits, looking steadily forward, like an outstanding youth obviously.

Noticing Drew’s temperament, they all nodded, thinking that Drew was an extraordinary young man.

Hugo looked at Drew and laughed.

“Grandpa, I’m sorry I am late.”

“That’s all right. I know you are quite busy.” Hugo looked at Drew with doting eyes.

Glancing at Alfie and others next to him, Drew took out a document with a smile and handed it to Hugo.

“Grandpa, this is for you.”

Seeing Drew’s gift, everyone present was curious what Drew would present.

Hugo was also curious. After he opened and glanced at the document, he was so excited that his hands were trembling.

“Is that true?” Hugo asked in surprise.

“Yes. I’ve been busy for days preparing this birthday gift for you. And I worked overtime to solve all problems before I could get the land document. I’d like to give you the contract for the development of wasteland in the southern outskirts of H City as your birthday gift.”

The crowd was in an uproar when hearing the contract for development of the wasteland in the southern outskirts of H City.

Although it was still a wasteland, it would be a new economic growth drive as long as it was developed, and it even represented the future economic development of H City!


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