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Dragon Master novel Maximilian novel Chapter 241

Both Laura and Marcus bowed their heads and could not say a word.

They all felt they had lost face. It was because of Maximilian’s incapability that they could not refute these words.

Drew showed a winner’s smile, then he did not continue to say something against Maximilian, but raised his glass to propose a toast and made the atmosphere active.

Because of Drew, there was a warm atmosphere shortly after in the banquet. The crowd was chatting and drinking, and many kept coming to express their congratulations to Hugo.

After a while, Alfie and Tommy were a little drunk. They looked at each other, and then both stared at Maximilian and Victoria.

They two had an idea to pick a hole in Maximilian with the state of mind to have fun.

Alfie held his glass with a bottle of wine in his hand, and wobbled towards Maximilian. Tommy hurriedly followed him and wore a mocking smile on his face.

“You worthless wretch, you’re so impolite that you don’t propose a toast to your brothers, but wait for us to toast you.”

“Victoria, your husband behaves poorly. Considering what he has done today, he should be punished to drink three bottles of wine at least. Ask him to hurry up and drink it up.”

Glancing at the two drunken man, Maximilian just ignored them.

Seeing Maximilian ignoring them, Alfie and Tommy were quite angry with the stimulus of wine.

“Damn it. We are so kind to you. How dare you ignore us? You are such a jerk. If you don’t drink it up, you don’t have to leave here today.”

Alfie handed the bottle in his hand in front of Maximilian and glared at Maximilian, insisting on him drinking it up.

Tommy slapped Maximilian on the back of his head and shouted discontentedly, “Hurry up! Don’t keep us waiting. Do you consider yourself as a big shot? You are just a loser.”

“I can’t drink.” Maximilian said in a cold voice.

“Ah ha, are you really a man? Can’t drink? You will be laughed at if it’s known to others. All right, we’ll teach you how to drink. Now open your mouth and I’ll help you.”

Tommy held out his hand to grab Maximilian’s chin and wanted to open his mouth forcibly. Maximilian turned away to avoid his hand.

Pop! Tommy slapped the table heavily. Then he glared at Maximilian and shouted, “You wretch! Do you want to die? How dare you avoid it when I taught you how to drink? Just open your mouth and let me pour the bottle of wine into your mouth!”

Victoria could not stand it. She frowned and said, “That’s enough! Can you stop making fun of him?”

“We just ask him to make amends for his impoliteness. Victoria, you are so kind to him. Is it because he’s good in bed and serve you quite well?”

“How can it be? I guess he can just keep for three seconds. Maybe it’s because Victoria, you have a special hobby, such as marrying a loser husband and cuckolding him. Is it exciting?”

Alfie and Tommy said harsher words. Victoria was so annoyed that her eyes became red and she glared at the two men.


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