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Dragon Master novel Maximilian novel Chapter 254

Victoria looked at them, holding Maximilian's hand affectionately.

"Can you really solve it?"

"Of course." Maximilian said with a smile.

"Then you must be careful, the company has become like this. My uncles are gone. I have to take care of the aftermath, at least let the company back to trail."

Victoria was still concerned about the company's business. At this time, if she gave up as well, the whole company would go out of business, which might cause great harm to the company.

To bring the company from the brink of bankruptcy, Victoria had devoted a lot of hard working, and naturally she did not want her efforts to be wasted.

Maximilian nodded gently, "I'll go. Clean up the company slowly. Don't worry."

"Well, I know. I will wait for you."

Victoria gently pushed Maximilian, and he turned and walked out.

Looking at his back, Victoria put her hands together and made a wish to God in her heart, praying for Gods to bless him.

Victoria didn't know how many setbacks Maximilian would suffer, but she knew Maximilian was going for her.

After wiping the tears from the corner of her eyes, Victoria left the office. She arranged the staff to clean up the mess and ordered new office supplies.

Maximilian left the company. He took out his mobile phone and dialed Wilfred’s number.

"Young lord, I've already started to prepare it here. Dragon queen..."

Wilfred was reporting the affairs of dragon queen, but Maximilian interrupted him directly, "Check all the information of the Stone family in the provincial capital, as well as the current position of Nathaniel."

Hearing his cold voice, Wilfred's heart jumped quickly.

"Just a moment. I'll send you the information right away."

Wilfred gave orders to his assistant, and then the assistant quickly stood beside Wilfred, holding the laptop.

"Young lord, the Stone family is powerful, mainly in the underground world. Most of their industries are involved in the entertainment industry. They hold a listed film and television company. Now the host is Taylor Stone..."

Wilfred informed him the details of the Stone family, and Maximilian listened quietly.

When Wilfred finished reading the materials, he knew Nathaniel's position.

"Young lord, Nathaniel is in the Gold Dragon Chamber of the LT Club in the provincial capital. Do you need me to catch him?"

"No, I'll go myself." Maximilian hung up and took a taxi to the provincial capital.

He dared to kidnap Victoria! Maximilian can't bear it, and hatred pushed him to revenge right now.

The taxi ran all the way. Two hours later, Maximilian arrived at the gate of the LT Club.

There were two rows of fierce looking security guards at the gate of the LT Club.

The security guards held the rubber sticks tightly in their hands and looked like they were facing the enemies.

Maximilian got out of the car and walked to the LT Club. The security guards looked at him together. If it were other people, they would be scared and turn away, but Maximilian completely ignored them.

Looking at Maximilian coming straight, a security guard strode forward and waved to Maximilian.

"Stop, LT Club is reserved by a VIP today, and others can't enter."

"What if I must enter?" Maximilian asked in a calm voice.


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