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Dragon Master novel Maximilian novel Chapter 268

Geekoo auction center building was divided into two parts, two-thirds of which was the preview hall. The rest was divided into several auction halls of different sizes.

Every time before the auction, there would be three or five days for preview. Many people who were interested in the auction would go to the preview in advance to have a look.

Even some people would take the experts to identify the authenticity, appearance, value by the way.

Marcus came to the auction without the idea of shopping. He just wanted to have a look.

Nowadays, the prices of high-quality Hotan jade and jadeite had skyrocketed. Marcus couldn't afford the high price; on the other hand, he despised cheaper items.

So Marcus could only attend the preview as a way to relieve his craving.

Humphrey took Victoria and Maximilian to the direction of the auction hall, "There is nothing to see in the preview. If you want to see, just look at the atlas."

"Victoria, if you and your parents have any favorite objects, just tell me. I'll buy it for you. Don't treat me like an outsider."

Humphrey glanced at Maximilian and said sarcastically, "I won't take care of you, loser. You can make money to buy what you want. But you can't make enough money to raise a banner in your whole life. I'm really sorry for you, poor guy."

Victoria grabbed Maximilian's hand and gently rubbed her thumb on the back of Maximilian's hand to appease him with her own actions.

Maximilian smiled at Victoria, ignoring his sarcasm.

Humphrey looked at the united-heart look of Maximilian and Victoria, and felt gloomy.

Entering the auction hall, a group of young men and women were gathering together, which seemed like the rich guys of Geekoo.

Several guys saw them, which were not familiar with, and ignored the three people, continued to chat.

"I heard that Leon has twisted his waist today. I will seize the opportunity to curry him favor later."

"His waist is not twisted; it is caused by other things. I will give him a good kneading."

"You guys know a fart? We have to let our sisters take care of him. As long as we sleep with him and make him happy, my family approval will be able to be solved."

Several families of the guys all had new projects to be carried out. And many of them need to be approved, which just need Leon's help.

In order to show their ability in front of their elders, these rich guys had been thinking about how to please Leon. In the afternoon, they received a call from Leon and immediately ran to the auction.

Maximilian found a corner to sit down. Humphrey said with discontent, "How could you choose the worst place to sit in? So many good places for you. Victoria, let's sit forward."

"Victoria, let me tell you, the more you sit forward, the more noble you are in the auction. However, the central positions in the front rows are saved for the local celebrities in Geekoo. We are not suitable to sit, but the middle rows are certainly OK."

Humphrey wanted to show off his erudition and ability, but Victoria didn't listen to him, and still sat in the corner with Maximilian.

Humphrey, whose blood boiled, clenched his teeth. He took out his mobile phone and sent a short message to Leon, asking when Leon will arrive.

Soon Leon's text message arrived, saying that he was at the door and came in immediately.

Humphrey, with a smile, raised his eyebrows, and stood at the door of the auction hall waiting for Leon.


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