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Dragon Master novel Maximilian novel Chapter 270

The voice outside the door was not loud, but the characters involved in the discourse made Frankie and others scared.

"Connor is here? Will Connor come to Geekoo? When he comes to Geekoo, he would tell me in advance. "Frankie muttered suspiciously.

However, Frankie's doubts soon disappeared, because Connor came in accompanied by a fat middle-aged man.

The middle-aged man dressed very simple. But the rosy face revealed his wealth.

"Is Wyatt Owen accompanied by Connor?" Leon asked in a low voice.

"Yes, follow me up to meet Connor."

Frankie took Leon and others to Wyatt and Connor. Humphrey walked to Maximilian with a sneer.

"Loser, you've offended a figure this time. You've offended not only the big guys in Geekoo, but also the big guys in H City. You are doomed to die."

Then Humphrey looked at Victoria, "Victoria, you can see how much trouble this loser has caused. It's hard to say whether it will also affect your family. But you can see the relationship between me and them. As long as I speak, I can do your family a favor."

Victoria thought of the scene at Hugo's birthday party, and looked at Maximilian with concerns.

Maximilian said with a smile, "You've seen Connor's attitude towards me, so be at ease."

Victoria nodded slightly, without worry in her heart.

Humphrey looked at Victoria in surprise, thinking that why Victoria was not panic at all. Did Victoria really believe this loser?

"Maximilian! Do you know that disaster comes from the mouth! Connor’s attitude towards you? Have you met him? Don't brag here, it's Victoria who is harmed by you in the end! You'd better go now and kneel down to make amends to Leon, or you'll regret for it! "

Humphrey's low roar was like a Tyrannosaurus Rex going crazy.

"Don't worry about it. You'd better make up to it." Maximilian said.

"Ah ha, Maximilian, you can find your own death. Victoria, take a good look at how he got into trouble and died. You'd better recognize who he is this time!"

Humphrey then turned away and walked quickly to Connor and others.

Connor and Wyatt were surrounded by Frankie and others. They were greeting each other just for socialization.

"Connor, why don't you tell me that you’ll come to Geekoo in advance? I'll treat you well." Frankie said with some complain, but guessed Connor’s intention in his heart.

"It is Wyatt who invited me here. I want to get together with my old friends, so I didn’t tell you. Otherwise, we don't have any feeling about our gathering."

Hearing Connor's explanation, Frankie felt relieved as long as Connor didn't have an opinion on himself.

Wyatt glanced at Leon and others and said with a smile, "I just heard that you mentioned Connor. What were you talking about?"

"Just now, someone boasted that Connor did not dare to beat him. We were all saying that he has lost his mind."

Teddy gloated and laughed, thinking that Connor would be furious after hearing this.

"Ah ha ha." Wyatt laughed, "It's normal that people in Geekoo are not afraid of Connor."

Teddy then said, "Mr. Owen, you don't know who arrogant that man is! He comes from H City and he is a son-in-law who doesn't have a serious job. We are all laughing at him."


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