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Dragon Master novel Maximilian novel Chapter 275

As the auction almost came to the end, the gemstone that most experts liked got taken by Leon for one million dollars.

“Dope! Just two raises scared everybody off. No one dared to compete anymore.”

“The committee is probably going to cry. I heard that that stone worth at least six million dollars. We got it in such a cheap price!”

“We got the gemstone already. That loser has not even bought anything yet. Is he shocked by us or something? Should we go check on him?”

Damion and the rest were keeping eyes on Maximilian during this whole time. He never even raised the board once, which was making them disdain him even more.

Leon sneered and stood up, “Let’s go humiliate that loser. The rest are the worst ones. I assume that’s all he could afford.”

Damion and the others walked towards Maximilian following Leon. Since the auction was ending soon, and the rest of the stones were not good, and most people were paying attention to the group of men instead of the auction.

As they got near Maximilian, Marcus and Laura moved away from him to get unattached to him.

Laura even pulled Victoria, trying to get her to move with them too. However, she would not budge, so Laura had to give up.

“Humphrey, they are all your friends? You need to watch over Victoria and protect her.” Laura reminded Humphrey.

Humphrey smiled, “Relax, auntie. Vic will be fine. They are only after Maximilian.”

Laura finally got relieved, murmuring, “It would be great for this trouble to die. His existence disturbed us.”

Leon glanced at Victoria, then look at Maximilian with his nostrils.

“Loser. It’s ending soon. This is the last stone. Buy it now, or can’t you afford to add one hundred dollars?”

“I think he does not even have one cent. Probably his wife did not give him any money this month. Such a pathetic loser.”

“Do you think you can avoid the bet as long as you buy no gemstones? If you did not have a gemstone, that would be counted as a total lost. Even Connor would not be able to cover up for you.”

Damion and the rest started humiliating Maximilian, feeling very happy inside, as if all the upset feelings caused by Connor and Jacobs escaped at this moment.

Leon sneered, “Loser, if you can’t afford one, then kneel down and call me ‘father’. I will buy that gemstone for you and it is possible to change your life.”

All the bidders nearby gathered around and started to watch this show, while Samson started to explain to them about the bet.

After hearing the story, the crowd laughed, thinking that Maximilian was stupid.

“Isn’t that a joke? This stone does not even meet the quality of a good gemstone, it’s probably just a normal stone that got mixed up here.”

“Even if that shit were an emerald stone, it would not be able to compare with the one bought by Leon, as many experts said that it was a great one.”

“What’s there to bet for? If I were him, I would just kneel down to Leon. Compared to life, dignity is nothing.”

Victoria did not have much faith in Maximilian’s bet, and now she was even more unsured about it.

Maximilian smiled and waved his board toward the host.


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