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Dragon Master novel Maximilian novel Chapter 280

The next day.

It was almost noon. Andrew stood at the entrance of the company with Darian and Franklin as if they were welcoming some honored guests.

Before long, three Audis stopped at the entrance of the building. Grinning, Andrew walked up to those three Audis.

The car doors of the three Audis were opened at the same time. Three young men got off the cars, which stunned Andrew a little.

They had planned to welcome the credit managers of the three banks. However, looking at the three young strangers walking towards him, Andrew was confused about their identities.

"You are?" Andrew asked in puzzlement.

"I’m from ZD Bank. This is the official letter from our bank. Please sign for it."

"I’m from H City Bank. I’m also here to deliver our official letter. Sign for it."

"Same with them. It seems that you Griffith family have offended some big figure."

Andrew was totally dumbfounded. He stared blankly at the three bank clerks, feeling that something ominous was going to happen.

"Where are your managers? We were told on the phone that the credit managers of your banks would come!" Andrew asked loudly.

Both Darian and Franklin realized that something went wrong, so they walked up to them and asked.

"Our managers don’t have the time to talk to you. You’d better read our official letters. Goodbye."

The three bank clerks stuffed the official letters into Andrew’s arms, turned around and got into the cars.

Watching the Audis driving away, Andrew lowered his head and looked at the official letters in his hands.

The official letters were enclosed in official envelopes, each with respective bank name and logo printed on it.

Holding the official letters, Andrew’s hands were shaking. He didn’t dare to open them at all, as if some monsters would fly out once they were opened.

"Dad, open them. We have to figure out what’s going on." Franklin said in a low voice.

Andrew shook his head and whispered, "To the meeting room."

The three of them went to the meeting room together. Andrew put the official letters in front of Franklin. "Open them. Read them. Tell us what’s going on."

After that, Andrew covered his face with both hands, starting to pray silently.

Franklin picked up one of the official letters and tore it open. Glancing over it, Franklin turned pale.

"It’s… it’s the official letter of suspension of loans. They have suspended their loans to us, and frozen the cash in our account. And they ask us to repay all our loans within one week. If overdue, they are going to sell our collateral by auction."

Franklin finished his words with trembling lips, moving his eyes to the other two official letters.

In a trance, Franklin felt that what he saw were not official letters, but death letters!

These letters were definitely killing. They were going to kill the whole Griffith family!

The money in their account had been frozen. They were asked to repay all the loans within one week. Thus, the Griffith family was immersed in the situation of capital chain rupture!

"Someone is playing with us!" Franklin roared in rage.

Both Andrew and Darian turned pale. They had gone through more, and thus thought of more.

No ordinary man was able to make three banks do this to them at the same time. It could only be done by the top elite group of H City.

But who had they offended recently? Andrew thought that they had offended nobody recently!


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