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Dragon Master novel Maximilian novel Chapter 284

The meeting room of Griffith Group was full of smoke.

Andrew, Darian and Franklin smoked one by one. They contacted all their relatives and friends, but no one could help them.

The dark cloud of crisis shrouded the Griffith family and it was like a small sampan floating in the rough waves, which would be overturned at any time.

“What does Victoria say? Has Iris got a word out of her mouth?” Andrew asked dully.

Now the opponent was not clear. Even if Andrew tried his best, he didn’t find out the slightest information. It seemed that everything was arranged by fate, and the Griffith family was doomed to collapse in this disaster.

Darian shook his head and smoked a cigarette with great sadness, “No, Victoria doesn’t say anything, and I don’t know what she’s thinking.”

The meeting room fell into silence again. The family members’ hearts were covered with dark clouds, and they felt they would be engulfed by fate at any time.

“It’s rubbish. Who’s behind it?” Franklin roared angrily.

The voice of the landline sounded, and they all looked at the phone.

“It should be bad news, who calls at this time?” Franklin said with chagrin.

Andrew stubbed out the butt of his cigar and glared at Franklin, saying, “Answer the phone. Are you still waiting for me to pick it up?”

Franklin picked up the phone helplessly, “Hello.”

“The Griffith family, right? We’ll be there in five minutes, so line up to meet us quickly.” Leon’s arrogant voice came from the phone.

Franklin was stunned for a moment, then roared with emotion, “Who are you? Are you playing tricks on us?”

“You’re clever. You’ll know who we are when we meet. We’ll arrive in three minutes. If you don’t line up to meet us, don’t blame us for destroying your family.”

Andrew grabbed the phone and said hastily, “We’ll meet you right away, just let us off.”

“You have a good attitude. I’ll think about it.”

The phone was hung up, Andrew put down the phone, “Let’s all go out to meet them. Mind what you say.”

After straightened their clothes, they went out of the meeting room and stayed at the company gate.

Soon, several Benz cars stopped at the door of the company. Looking at the Benz cars with Geekoo license plates, the three frowned.

The door opened and the bodyguards in black got out of the car neatly. Looking at the momentum of the bodyguards, Andrew’s face was drained of color.

These people were definitely not from one family, but from several families. They were definitely not ciphers!

But when did the Griffith family offend such powerful figure?

The three were full of doubts. They had no contact with Geekoo recently. How can they offend someone from Geekoo?

The bodyguards opened the boots, took out the folding wheelchairs and opened them.


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