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Dragon Master novel Maximilian novel Chapter 286

Seeing Maximilian come back, Franklin was the first to jump out and yell at Maximilian to kneel down.

Leon sneered and looked at Maximilian, waiting for the performance of the Griffith and how they keep Maximilian on his knees in front of him.

Should he spit out thick phlegm on Maximilian's face, when he was kneeling and begging for mercy, or should he kick Maximilian's face to vent his anger?

Leon's heart had begun to fantasize.

Andrew, Darian, and Iris all changed their aims at Maximilian, and retaliated against Maximilian for the humiliation they had just suffered.

"Asshole, you finally come back. Do you know how much trouble you have caused? The people of Geekoo have been offended, how brave you are?"

"Why you are still fuck standing in such a shocking tone, quickly kneel down and admit your mistake to Mr. Moore. If Mr. Moore doesn't forgive you, you will always kneel down!"

"Kneeling forever is too easy for this bitch. You should break his legs to let him know how serious it is, and see if he dare to go out and cause trouble again in the future!"

Andrew and others blamed wildly at Maximilian, and the spits splashed in the air, floating on Maximilian's face.

Maximilian wiped his face lightly, looked at Andrew and others with disdain, and finally fell his eyes on Leon's body.

Leon held his head high, staring at Maximilian with an arrogant expression.

"You useless man, you know you are afraid, and you know what it's like betraying by your relatives now. Are you excited when you make me kneeled down? Are you excited when you hurt me? I will let you double pay for it today. First, kneel down to me now!"

Maximilian smiled lightly, shook his head and said, "It seems that you haven't learned any lesson yet, so you dare to come and make troubles again."

"Fuck you! How dare you trash talk to Mr. Moore like this? Are you looking for death? Now the life and death of the Griffith is a matter of Mr. Moore's word. Since Mr. Moore asks you to apologize, you must apologize to him!"

"Mr. Moore asked you to apologize, it is your honor. Don't be so shameless. If you are shameless, do you want us to be rude to you? The Griffiths will outcast your entire family!"

"Fuck, you quickly kneel down to Mr. Moore. If Mr. Moore is unhappy, your consequences will be very serious. Not only yours, but Victoria's as well!"

The Griffiths was shocked when they saw Maximilian contradict Leon, they scolded Maximilian and asked Maximilian to kneel down and apologize.

Leon looked at Maximilian with a stern look, and said bitterly, "Don't fuck here. No one can help you now. Neither Wyatt nor the old man surnamed Davies can help you anymore!"

Zakariya, Teddy and others all glared at Maximilian. If the anger in their eyes was gathered, they would be able to burn Maximilian directly.

"Fuck you, why are you so arrogant here? If someone hadn't helped you that day, we would have killed you already. Don't you know you are dying? The men who helped you are going to be finished up!"

"We are doing our best. Behind us are the four most powerful real estate families in Geekooo. I ask you if you are afraid or not. I have prepared countless money, and I will use it to kill you. You just wait to die!"

"What the hell killing this guy for? It's better to keep him alive and teach him to become a dog. Let him be the good dog of Brother Leon and Brother Frankie, and watch how Brother Leon and Brother Frankie bang his wife. That's the most interesting thing."


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