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Dragon Master novel Maximilian novel Chapter 302

"Frankie, show some respect to Mr. Lee. You’re not worth Mr. Lee’s attention." Connor gave Frankie a contemptuous stare.

One could tell easily from Frankie’s frightened face that something went wrong in Geekoo, and it was something serious.

Sneering, Frankie pointed his pistol at Connor. "Kneel down in front of me! If I lose my control over Geekoo, I need H City to make up for it. Your lives are in my hands! If you don’t want to die, listen to me!"

Those who were behind Frankie felt intimidated. All of them gripped the knives in their hands, eyeing Maximilian and the others ferociously.

Eduard could feel the change of atmosphere. He shrank to the corner, hands on his head. "Boss, please feel free to kill them. We have nothing to do with that trash, Maximilian. As long as you let us go, we can give you whatever you want."

Frankie glanced scornfully at Eduard. Those without guts were like shit in Frankie’s eyes.

"Keep talking nonsense and I will kill you first."

Eduard shuddered and said no more.

Frankie’s eyes shifted from Connor to Maximilian, and finally to Victoria.

"Connor, you're telling me that this loser is not someone ordinary, right? Then he will be my first target. No, his wife will be my first target!"

There was an evil light in Frankie’s eyes. He tilted his head, stared at Maximilian and said, "Aren’t you going to protect your wife? I’ll just let you see how I make your wife scream today. Get this beauty for me!"

Houghton’s eyes brightened. He walked up to Victoria, sneering. "Boss Frankie, you’re such a great player. Once you finish off this beauty, don’t forget to let us have a taste of her."

"Don’t worry about that. Once I get tired of her, I’ll hand her to you guys."

After that, Frankie started to sneer.

Stimulated mentally, Frankie was now ready to risk everything.

Eduard glanced at Houghton, who was approaching Victoria. Turning his head back, Eduard didn’t dare to see anymore. He was afraid that his eyes would provoke these reckless figures.

Marcus and Laura were trembling violently. They wanted to stop Houghton, but they were too nervous to make a sound.

Victoria kept her eyes tightly shut and clung to Maximilian. At this point, Maximilian was Victoria’s life-saving straw. She felt that in the whole world, only Maximilian was able to save her at this moment.

"Beauty, be a good girl and go with me. Our boss, Frankie, is very gentle to beautiful girls. He will definitely make you comfortable and satisfied." Houghton said with an evil leer.

Maximilian stared at Houghton and said to him coldly, "Scram!"

"What the fuck? How dare you ask me to scram? Do you think the knife in my hand is just an ornament? Today, I’ll let you see how sharp my knife is!"

Houghton waved the knife in his hand and displayed some showy movements with it.

Just as Houghton felt that he had given a great performance, Maximilian kicked him on the hip.

"Ah!" Houghton screeched with pain, flew out and hit hard against Frankie behind him.

Frankie got hit and fell off from the wheelchair. When he was falling, he wanted to grab something out of nervousness, and his crooked finger pulled the trigger.

Bang! A single shot rang out, closely followed by a scream.

Eduard held his thigh, which was hot, and let out a howl of anguish. He cursed him bad luck. Since he had already shrunk to the corner, why was he the one being shot?


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