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Dragon Master novel Maximilian novel Chapter 304

Two days later.

Franklin was looking complacently at the documents in his hands in the meeting room, which were the cooperation documents sent by Eduard’s subordinate after contacting Franklin.

After Eduard was released from the hospital, he had considered for long. If he wanted to regain his dignity, he had to start with the internal affairs of the Griffith family. He needed to have the whole Griffith family on his side, so Victoria would definitely choose to abandon Maximilian when she was utterly isolated by the rest of her family.

If Eduard wanted to have the whole Griffith family on his side, the most rapid and convenient way would naturally be establishing cooperation and mutual benefits. And that was why Franklin was being so complacent at this moment.

Andrew coughed, and his glance swept across the faces of Darian, Victoria and Iris, in order to underline his authority and position in the family.

"Business is not going well recently, especially when no more contracts are signed for new orders. The year-on-year sales did not go up, but went down. What’s the matter with you, Victoria?" Andrew asked, pounding the desk.

"After a rapid developing period, our production rate is within our capacity. If we sign more contracts for new orders, we will fail to meet the delivery." Victoria explained helplessly.

It was more of a necessity rather than an option to refuse new orders. It was pointless to sign new contracts if their production rate was unable to meet the demands. Instead, they should take expansion into consideration, or start a new project.

However, it had been long since Victoria handed in her project report, but Andrew hadn’t approved the plan, completely ignoring Victoria’s opinion.

"This is not the excuse for your poor performance! You need to reflect on yourself. Don’t you ever think you can hang around and do nothing all day just because you have made some achievements in the past!" Darian rebuked.

"Someone is so arrogant. She really thinks the prosperity of the Griffith family is based on her talent? When it comes to talent, she sure has some, in some way."

Iris laid stress on every "talent", leaving plenty of room for imagination.

"Victoria, don’t take it as an insult. We hope you work harder." Andrew said in a pretentious way, then stared at Franklin and said, "Franklin has made great progress recently. He has made the most vital step for the development of the Griffith family. Franklin, tell us more about it."

After disparaging Victoria, Andrew started to tout his son.

Franklin was grinning from ear to ear. He pushed the documents happily to the center of the conference table.

"This is the letter of intent I signed with Eduard, the overseas businessman, and the president of the famous pharmaceutical company, Dunhill Group. It’s mainly about the establishment of a new production line together, to produce the core medicines developed by Dunhill Group."

"Among them, there are two bestsellers. We have been authorized to use their manufacturing rights for free for three years. After that, we will negotiate the license fee according to the level of sales. I think the Griffith family can benefit a lot from it."

After a brief introduction, Franklin raised his head and stared at Victoria proudly, feeling that he could finally stand with his chin up and defeat Victoria in business.

The moment she heard the name Eduard, Victoria frowned a little, sensing that something was wrong.

Iris said in surprise, "Impressive. Dunhill is an internationally renowned company. Their bestsellers include not only medicines and health care products, but also relevant health care equipment. If we really are able to work with them, the Griffith family will prosper at any moment."

"Well done, Franklin. You should have built a relationship with the president of an internationally well-known company. You have done a great job. Victoria, you should learn from Franklin." Darian started to complement Franklin.

Franklin stared at Victoria with a grin, raised his eyebrows and said, "Victoria, say something! Do you think there is any omission in my work? If yes, just spit it out."


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