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Dragon Master novel Maximilian novel Chapter 316

At the urging of Laura, Maximilian took out his mobile phone and pretended to talk with Wilfred. Then he put away the phone and said, "No problem, it can be arranged at any time."

"Really?" Laura was in shock. She still felt unbelievable that Maximilian could ask Wilfred to help her.

"Of course, it is true. Wilfred happened to have cooperation with Mr. Lee from the Topyuan Group, so it is easy for him to arrange a meeting."

Maximilian said with a smile, but he felt a little weird. He actually had so much trouble arranging a meeting to visit himself.

"That's good. This matter is finally resolved. Can Victoria take Drew with her?" Laura said and was insatiable.

"I won't go, lest there be any rumors in the future." Victoria resolutely refused.

Laura sighed and couldn't force her anymore, "Maximilian, you should accompany Drew for this visit, and remember to treat him politely."

Maximilian nodded, "I am ok. When do you think it is appropriate to go?"

Laura thought for a while, took out her cell phone and dialed Drew's number.

"Auntie, did you talk to Victoria? Can you arrange for me to meet with Mr. Lee from the Topyuan Group?" Drew's urgent voice floated from the speakerphone.

"Drew, Victoria is busy with work and has no time. Maximilian will accompany you to meet the big boss of Topyuan Group. If you are free, I will ask Maximilian to make an appointment."

Drew was stunned for a moment, and then frowned tightly, "Do you want your useless son-in-law to accompany me? Auntie, are you kidding me? This is the top priority of our family. Why can't Victoria spare any time? "

Laura laughed awkwardly, clutched the microphone and whispered, "Drew, calm down. Maximilian can take you to meet him. As long as you can meet with the boss of the Topyuan Group, you don’t need to care about who took you there."

"It's definitely not right! What is the relationship between Victoria and the boss of Topyuan Group? You said they were together. What should he do if Maximilian goes? The owner of the Topyuan Group cuckold him, and it would be embarrassing for them to meet each other. "

Drew felt what he said made sense. Taking Victoria's husband to see the adulterer was purely farce. And it may affect the Wright family.

Laura became more embarrassed, regretting talking nonsense at home for the sake of face. Now she was having a wolf by the ears, and couldn't explain it clearly.

"Drew, it's not what you think. What I said before was just hearsay. Victoria has nothing to do with the boss of the Topyuan Group. It was Maximilian who arranged for Wilfred to take you to the meeting." Laura could only clarify the matter to avoid further misunderstandings.

Drew smiled bitterly, shook his head and said, "Auntie, if you can't do it, you can admit it. Don't use Maximilian to cheat me. If I follow that worthless wretch, I will lose face."

"I heard Maximilian call Wilfred with my own ears. There is nothing wrong with this matter, and it has really been arranged. If you don't believe me, I won't say it anymore, and you can think of a solution by yourself. "

Laura felt completely ashamed, and didn't want to continue to persuade Drew.

"Wait!" Drew pondered for a while, and thought that maybe he could give it a try, even if he was fighting a losing battle.

"Auntie, let Maximilian come to the old mansion at nine o'clock tomorrow morning. I have some details to ask him. It is about the future of our Wright family."

Laura didn't take Drew's words seriously, and agreed casually.

After hanging up the phone, Laura said to Maximilian upset, "You should go to the Wright family's old mansion at nine o'clock tomorrow morning, as Drew has something to ask you."


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