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Dragon Master novel Maximilian novel Chapter 325

That piece of industrial land belonged to Maximilian; however Andrew and others in the Griffiths didn’t think so. They thought that the land belonged to the Griffiths because Maximilian was living in the Griffiths. Therefore, Maximilian’s property belonged to the Griffiths.

Andrew took a cigarette out and lighted it up. He took a puff at the cigarette and said, “Victoria, Maximilian, issues related to the land require careful and critical consideration, which is associated with the development of our family. If you make due contributions, the family will never forget you.”

Maximilian sneered and knocked at the table. “The land is my personal property, not the family’s. If you want to use it, I agree. But, you can’t use it for nothing. You can buy it from me, or you can give us a part of the equity of the new company in exchange.”

“Fuck! You even want money from us. All your living expenses are from our family. All your belongings belong to the Griffiths. What’s the fucking your land? You have nothing,” Franklin shouted angrily.

Darian clicked his tongue and said slowly, “Maximilian, what you said is wrong. If the Griffith Group is prosperous, you will also live a better life. That piece of land was useless in your hand. It’s suitable for you to give it to the family.”

Members of the Griffiths used the strategy of carrot and stick to persuade Maximilian to give the land to the family.

Maximilian stood up and said, “You still don’t want to buy it, right?”

“Fuck you! How can you say that? Every penny you spend on food is from the Griffiths. Don’t say the money is made by Victoria. Victoria’s money belongs to the Griffiths,” Franklin yelled.

“Let me think it over. I will figure out how much I have spent and work out whether the money is enough to buy a piece of industrial land of 500 acres.”

Then Maximilian stood up and was about to leave the conference room with Victoria.

Andrew was angry and stood up, banging on the table. He stared at Maximilian and Victoria and said, “Don’t get on my bad side. If you don’t send us the certificates of the land, I will ask grandpa to do us justice.”

Seeing that Maximilian didn’t give in, Andrew could only use grandpa Samuel to put pressure on him.

Maximilian shrugged and said with smile, “Then I will discuss this with grandpa tomorrow. Good bye.”

Maximilian left the room with Victoria. Andrew was so angry that he smashed a water bottle. He said, “Bastard! How can we meet such a bastard?”

“Dad, don’t be angry. Let’s go home for grandpa. With grandpa’s words tomorrow, they will give us the certificates immediately.”

Andrew nodded slightly, looked at Darian, and aid to him, “Come with us. Let’s talk about the problem with grandpa.”

“Ok, he must give the land to us.” Darian said with envy.

If the large piece of land could become part of the property of the Griffiths, members of the family, like Andrew and Darian would gain huge benefits. After grandpa Samuel’s death, Andrew and Darian would gain the land for nothing by kicking Marcus’s family out.

In face of such great interest, Andrew and Darian were filled with the desire to fight and heart afire.

On the way home, Victoria was worried that Grandpa Samuel would show up to make the situation worse tomorrow.

“Maximilian, what will you do tomorrow?” Victoria said anxiously.


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