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Dragon Master novel Maximilian novel Chapter 336

The gate to the castle was shut, while the banquet in the castle had already started. With the lighting, music, singing and dancing, people in the castle were immersed in the merry atmosphere, not noticing that a massacre was approaching.

Behind the gate of the castle, two security guards were standing floppily aside, smoking. At this time, nobody would go in or out, so now was their free time during work.

The two security guards were very curious about the banquet. However, they were not allowed to leave their posts, so they could only talk in whispers.

Rumbles of car engines came through the gate. The two security guards exchanged glances, a flash of puzzlement in their eyes.

"Sounds like sports cars. But the banquet has already started. Who else is coming?"

"Maybe something came up and they’re late. But the boss has already told us not to have anyone in or out. We just act like we’ve heard nothing if someone calls."

The two security guards intended to avoid trouble, so they leaned against the gate, not wanting to take a glance at the situation outside at all.

Outside the gate, Johnson’s gang had already got off the bus, staring at the closed gate with all kinds of weapons in their hands.

"Fuck! How come the motherfuckers have closed the gate?" Mylo was frustrated.

Johnson patted Mylo on the shoulder and said, smiling, "Don’t be so nervous. It’s just a piece of cake. Blast the gate!"

Two ugly gangsters carried out a box and took some explosives and wires out of it. They walked up to the gate slowly, stuck the explosives onto the gate casually and laid the wires in an extremely unprofessional manner.

Mylo said nervously, "Brother Johnson, you sure it’ll be OK? Will it hurt us?"

"Ah ha." The gangsters all started to laugh, mocking these rich youngsters’ naivety.

"Don’t worry. These two bros of mine could even blast open the gate of the bank vault, let alone this shitty door. Easy please. Or, I will ask my bro to open it with the rocket launcher." Johnson said carelessly.

"Wow, you’re so professional, Brother Johnson. We’ve made the right choice to hire you." Mylo flattered Johnson hurriedly.

"Robbie, take a group of people with you to protect our boss. The rest, charge in combat formation. Clear everything on your way. When you take control later, you may have some fun with the beautiful girls inside."

Hardly had Johnson finished his words than the gangsters howled with excitement, just like a pack of wild beasts.

The gangsters were waiting for this moment because they hadn’t had fun for days. They thought of the beauties in the castle, and the beast in them burst out.

The two security guards behind the gate were frightened. Listening to the brutish howl outside, both of them realized that something was wrong.

"What’s happening outside? What’s that weird noise? It doesn’t feel right."

"Shall we take a look? Or tell our boss about it? I can tell that there are many people out there."

While the two security guards were still wondering what was going on, the gangsters had already finished fixing up the explosives. When they retreated to the safety zone, they pushed the button on the detonator.

Boom! There was a loud explosion. The solid steel gate was broken into pieces in the roaring flames.

The debris flew inwards. The two security guards were impacted directly by the great force of the explosion. Pushed by the impact force, the broken pieces of the gate pierced their bodies.

Eyes wide open, the two security guards stared at the splendid sparks and spat blood. Then, their eyes closed slowly.

When their bodies fell onto the floor, they were already dead.


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