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Dragon Master novel Maximilian novel Chapter 349

Everyone was confused at the sight of this. Although they had no idea of the blood of King Kong and that kind of stuff, they knew Curz was not an ordinary guy.

“What is Maximilian made of? I was scared out of my wits by the blast when Maximilian’s palm crashed with Curz’s fist.”

“He is absolutely not a loser as what is said. I guess it’s because he keeps a low profile and doesn’t fight with others, he is mistaken as a loser.”

“Look how powerful he is. He can kill anyone at ease if he fights. I wonder whether the guy who calls him a loser has been beaten by Maximilian.”

Victoria’s classmates were gossiping in whispers. They were so terrified that some even regretted having attended the classmate reunion, which was definitely the most dangerous gathering ever. They might be killed on the spot. Hana took a few steps back, hiding herself behind the male classmates. She felt a chill down her spine at the thought of her scornful words to Maximilian earlier. She was worried that Maximilian would pick on her.

Victoria was kind of surprise at what happened, but she didn’t show any facial expression. She had been suspicious of Maximilian’s identity and felt that Maximilian must have kept something from her. But she was not going to ask Maximilian about why he had kept her in the dark. She believed in Maximilian and assumed that there must be a good reason why Maximilian didn’t tell her his real identity.

The scarlet spot in Kacper’s pupils became bigger as he became angrier, and the gene transformation started to work. The endless power entangled with Kacper’s blood making his blood running fiercely. He looked like the Super Saiyan in comics, his hair standing up like needles.

“Curz, get hold of him!” Kacper cried out angrily.

Maximilian twisted his wrist and flew agilely with Victoria. He placed Victoria at the corner ten meters away with his subtle strength.

“Both of you, huh? Show me what you’ve got?” Maximilian turned around and took a few steps back. He, Kacper and Curz stood in a triangle.

Kacper’s pupils had become totally scarlet, as if he had been enchanted by devils. Curz roared furiously while beating his chest hard with his hands. He was so humiliated when Maximilian stopped his fist just now. He was thinking of taking down Maximilian with the worst of his punch.

Maximilian provoked them with his little finger and a scornful smile.

“Fuck! I’m Curz from the King Kong Family. Remember my name, because I’m going to kill you.” Curz roared furiously and ran towards Maximilian, waving his strong arms. As his arms kept waving, came the sound of air explosion. He kept waving his arms to compress the air around him to increase air density. Once exploded, the high density air would bring a strong blast. Curz was going to kill Maximilian with an ace up his sleeve.

With his agile steps, Kacper went to the side of Maximilian just like a leopard waiting to hunt his prey. He squinted at Maximilian, trying to figure out the timing to give Maximilian a deathblow.

Maximilian stood there still without moving, as if he hadn’t noticed what was happening around him. He stood there like a steady mountain as if no one were able to move him.

“Go to hell! You dumb fool!” Curz’s fists came towards Maximilian together with the compressed air. Though it was intangible, Curz could feel the compressed air. He knew the fierce compressed air would explode when it hit Maximilian.


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