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Dragon Master novel Maximilian novel Chapter 368

“What do you think?” Maximilian said with a smile.

Kaur walked to Maximilian, shook his head and said, “To tell you the truth, I can’t see through your ideas, so I don’t think you will be very obedient, and I decided to give you the small gift. I hope you can cooperate well.”

“You can try to see if I can cooperate well.”

Maximilian sat lazily, not showing the slightest sign of being rude, but what he said made everyone feel he would not be submitting without a fight.

The mercenaries turned the muzzle one after another, and about twenty red-light spots gathered in Maximilian’s upper body.

If someone else was in such a situation, he would have been scared to death, but Maximilian looked at Kaur calmly, not affected by the red-light spots.

Aston was sweating, worried that he would be affected, and hurriedly went back to see the bodyguard.

Looking at the retreating bodyguards, Aston was so angry that he wanted to kill them, “What are you afraid of? You don’t think about me when you step back? Quickly lift me to a safe place, as I got a cramp in my legs!”

Aston’s leg had cramped. He couldn’t walk, so he could only ask the bodyguards to carry him.

Such a funny scene did not attract any laughter, but let people feel cold inside.

The bodyguards raised him in a panic and dragged him to trot. They ran to the back of the fine grinding machine and stopped, thinking that the wide and thick steel plate of the machine would be able to withstand the barrage of bullets.

Aston covered his chest with both hands. He felt so nervous just now. Just seeing so many guns aiming at Maximilian made Aston’s blood pressure soar.

“This man Maximilian is really bold. He dares to fight against Kaur, the Senior Fighter. Didn’t he see that Jude was easy to fall? He is really a dog with no eyes.” Aston scolded in a low voice, in order to ease his tension.

Looking at Maximilian’s calm appearance, Kaur had a look of approval on his face.

“You are brave enough. I want to take you as an adjutant. As long as you receive a good training, you can be my right-hand man. Are you interested?”

“Not interested in working with a lunatic.” Maximilian said calmly.

“You wanna die! Kaur, the Senior Fighter is a great hero.”

“You dare to say that Kaur, the Senior Fighter is crazy. Believe it or not, we will kill you immediately.”

The mercenaries scolded Maximilian one after another and were very dissatisfied with his attitude.

Kaur waved his hands and said with a smile, “You’re right. I’m different from ordinary people. Do you know why I became a mercenary? Because I love exciting things, as well as all kinds of difficult battles.”

“But I don’t like to be called lunatic. It’s more appropriate to call me a fighting madman. You are a disobedient boy, so, you’d better eat it.”

Kaur picked up an sensor bomb in his right hand and grabbed Maximilian’s jaw in his left.

Maximilian squinted his eyes, grabbed Kaur’s left hand with his right hand, then used his right knee to push Kaur’s knee socket, which made Kaur kneel in front of him.

Everything happened in an instant. When the mercenaries realized it, Kaur had become Maximilian’s human shield.

“Shit! Release Kaur quickly!”


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