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Dragon Master novel Maximilian novel Chapter 381

"Today is Victoria's classmate's engagement party, and I don't want to fight with you. Don't ask for trouble." Maximilian said coldly.

Dexter laughed disdainfully and looked at Maximilian with contempt and said, "It seems you are good at fighting. If you are really good, let’s drink and see who will win on the wine table."

"Good." Maximilian agreed and tried to make a good show.

"Then let's go inside and sit together. Let me see how much you can drink. If you can't win us, we will strip you naked and throw you onto the street, so everyone can see what you look like." Holmes said proudly and looked down on Maximilian.

The four of them walked into the hall, found an empty table, and sat down. Dexter and Holmes sat on Maximilian's right-hand side, and Victoria sat on Maximilian's left-hand side.

Holmes opened a bottle of white spirit on the table. And then he shouted at the waiter, "Bring us one box of white spirit, and get two more wine dispensers."

"We all drink with wine dispenser, and one wine dispenser at a time. I don't know if you can do it." Dexter picked up the wine dispenser on the table and put it in front of Maximilian.

A wine dispenser could divide into three or four glasses of wine, and most people would be dizzy after drinking a wine dispenser. Those who could drink two or more were definitely good at drinking.

Maximilian was not afraid at all and said with a smile, "We can also drink with wine bottle."

"Go on bragging! You really think you are the reincarnation of a wine fairy? That will make you alcoholic." Dexter said with contempt.

White spirit wasn’t beer. It wouldn’t go wrong to drink a dozen bottles of beer. But white spirit’s alcohol content was high, and it would be a risk of alcohol poisoning, if one drank two bottles of white spirit.

Victoria covered her forehead and felt a headache. If Maximilian got drunk, she would have to find someone to carry Maximilian back.

The waiter brought a box of white spirit and put it behind Dexter. And Dexter opened them all and placed them neatly on the table.

Many guests were looking at them. When hearing they were going to have a wine drinking game, many men were excited.

The engagement party began, and the emcee came to the stage for a simple ceremony. Brody and Alice began to toast from table to table, and then came to Maximilian's table.

Alice looked at Maximilian and Victoria apologetically, but Brody said first, "Thank you, Dexter, Holmes, thank you for coming. And thank you, Miss Victoria, thank you for your coming. Let’s have a good time.”

Brody treated Maximilian as thin air and did not even mention Maximilian in his words.

Dexter smiled and said, "Well, you don't have to be polite with us. We are going to have a wine drinking game with the No. 1 loser in H City. Please witness it. If he is drunk before us, then we will strip him naked and throw him to the street for a public display."

When the guests around heard this, they all looked at Maximilian and Dexter.

"Two against one? Maximilian certainly cannot win and will be drunk."

"He is a bum and totally senseless. Those two seem to be good at drinking. Maximilian absolutely has no chance to win."

"Let’s wait and see Maximilian being stripped naked and thrown out. It is just a pity that Victoria will lose face after that."


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