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Dragon Master novel Maximilian novel Chapter 385

Connor stared at the slag cars in front of him and looked carefully, then said in a cold voice, "Let the car behind speed up to stop slag cars. If they can’t stop the slag cars, ask them to hit the slag cars. If one couldn’t stop one slag car, then stop them all!”

"Yes." Connor’s man immediately notified others.

Connor looked ahead and saw Victoria's car parked on the side of the road, and the slag car at the front had already turned the direction to hit Victoria's car parked on the opposite side.

"Fuck!" Connor burst out a foul word, and then roared, "Speed up and rush over! Stop the slag car.”

"Huh?" The driver froze for a moment, and he didn't know whether Connor wanted to hit the slag car by his car or the cars behind.

"Fucking! Hurry up and step on the accelerator to the end!" Connor's eyes were red, and he roared madly at the driver.

"Master Connor, calm down. You are noble and important. How can you take such a risk? Let brothers behind us stop the slag car."

Connor’s men persuaded. If their car hit the slag car, he'd be in the worst position.

"Fucking calm! Fucking noble. If Mr. Maximilian had an accident, let alone me, even the whole family of each of you will have to be buried alive with Mr. Maximilian! If you don't want your whole family to die, try you best to stop that slag car now!"

Connor's words stunned his men and the driver, neither of them expected that the matter would be so serious.

The driver gritted his teeth to fight hard for the lives of the whole family. Otherwise, his whole family might be killed.

"Master Connor, sit still, and fasten your seatbelts!" The driver stepped on the accelerator pedal to the end, the speed of the Mercedes-Benz increased rapidly, and soon the speedometer had reached the limit.

The Mercedes-Benz turned quickly and drove between the slag car and Victoria's car.

When the Mercedes-Benz approaching the slag car, Connor's driver turned the steering wheel and stopped in the middle of the road.

Seeing the Mercedes blocking the road, instead of stopping the car, the car bandit stepped on the accelerator harder.

"Die, go to hell!" The car bandit's face was hideous. His hands held the steering wheel firmly and drove the slag car straight into Connor's Mercedes.

Bang! A violent collision sounded, and the Mercedes’ side instantly dented. Under the strong inertia, the slag car continued to hit the Mercedes-Benz and forward.

The lower part of the flat front of the slag car also dented, and the dented part broke the car bandit's calf, so he could not step on the accelerator again.

Victoria stared blankly at the collision outside the car window. Just now, when she saw the slag car driving over frantically, Victoria's heart was cold, and she felt they would die the next moment.

But the Mercedes-Benz t appeared suddenly and stopped in front of the slag car to stop it.

"This, what is going on? Are they crazy?" Victoria muttered softly, and her mind was messed up.

Maximilian raised his head and looked out of the car window. He was familiar with Connor’s Mercedes. Then he glanced at the slag car. Through the glass of the slag car's front window, Maximilian could see the hideous look of the slag car driver.

This was premeditated and was aimed at him! Maximilian was very sure that someone was targeting him. Since it was aimed at him, then there couldn’t be just one slag car and there were must be a second, a third, or even more.

"Get out of the car, get out, get out of here!"


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