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Dragon Master novel Maximilian novel Chapter 401

"How can anything happen? Don't believe his retribution theory. If there is retribution, the old liar will get it first." Maximilian said with a smile.

Victoria nodded and felt what Maximilian said was reasonable. With what Master Stevens had done, retribution should fall on his head first.

Andrew was not in the mood to eat, and all the guests at the banquet had been taken away. He had become a joke in the circle, and something would be wrong if he was in the mood to eat.

"Let's go, today I am really a joke for everyone." Andrew said with a black face.

The guests all smiled and comforted Andrew. When they saw Andrew really in a bad mood, they dispersed.

Maximilian and Victoria left hand in hand, and Andrew looked at their backs, and spat hard on the ground.

"Bah!" Andrew's eyes flashed a vicious light, "What the hell is this?"

"Big Brother, I think we should rest for a while. Everything on the factory building will be handled by Victoria." Darian said with eyes flashing.

Six people died on the plot, and there is a saying that it was a land of evil spirits. Even though Master Stevens was arrested, the rumour would certainly not vanish, and it was more likely to get worse.

If we continued to hold on to the construction of the new factory, there would be countless troubles. It was better to let go early so as to avoid trouble, not to say they had to deal with the patrol as six people died there after all.

Andrew squinted, nodded slightly, picked up the phone and dialled Victoria’s phone. It would be wise to let Victoria handle everything.

Sitting in the driver's seat, Victoria put the phone down and sighed faintly.

"What's the matter?" Maximilian asked curiously.

"Uncle has thrown everything about the new factory construction to me. Now that such a big thing has happened, I am afraid the construction will not start in the foreseeable future. If it is delayed for a long time, they will complain to me again."

Maximilian smiled and said with confidence, "Don't worry, I have contacted them. The plot will not be blocked, and the engineering company has been contacted for work."

"Ah?" Victoria was surprised. She didn't expect Maximilian to do everything before her, and it was simply ingenious.

"Is it a surprise?"

"It's a bit of a surprise. Which engineering company did you contact? What is the qualification?" Victoria instantly restored as a strong woman.

"It is the engineering company of your grandfather's family. Maybe Drew will contact you soon. Benefits are to be shared exclusively among our own folks."

Victoria stared at him blankly for a moment, as she didn't think Maximilian had contact with the Wrights.

"How did you think of contacting the Wrights? We were very unhappy last time on grandfather's birthday party. "

"It has all passed. Drew apologized to me. I think his attitude is not bad, so we gave up former suspicions. At least they are your relatives, so I need to save their faces."

Victoria took Maximilian's hand and held it tightly. The two looked at each other with deep affection in their eyes.

A special custom-made bulletproof Rolls-Royce Phantom was speeding along the road. There was only one special Rolls-Royce Phantom in the world, and its owner was the Dragon Queen.

The price of a Rolls-Royce Phantom exceeded 10 million dollars, and the price of a customized one would be as high as over 50 million dollars.

Special steel and bulletproof glass could resist the strafe of heavy machine guns, and the chassis was equipped with explosion-proof armour, which could resist the impact of mine explosion.


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