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Dragon Master novel Maximilian novel Chapter 414

In the Prosperity Estate.

Dragon Queen was lazily lying on the chair, “What’s going on with those white men. I am waiting to see the show of them beating Maximilian.”

“The manager of the boxing competition Colletti already got the contract signed with Connor. It will be on next week.” Harley said flatteringly.

“So slow. Benedict might not be one hundred percent reliable. We need someone staying with Maximilian.” said the Dragon Queen slowly.

“We already had people inside Griffith’s company. We will get Maximilian’s recently moves soon.”

The Dragon Queen looked at Harley and said coldly, “Are you dumb? What I want is the pin, not what Maximilian is doing recently. Can your men get the key for me?”

Harley immediately started sweating on the forehead, remained silent with his head down.

“Useless loser!” Dragon Queen grabbed the wine glass and poured the expensive red wine onto Harley’s face.

As the red wine flowed down his face, Harley dared not to wipe it off with his messy and trembling hands.

“I heard you are hiding a girl out there. Huh. Are you planning to have fun with her?” said Dragon Queen coldly.

Harley’s whole body shivered, then he kneeled down and kowtowed to her.

“No, no. I have no such a thought like that. I was going to train Flora, then send her to serve you.”

“You think I don’t know what men are thinking about. I already asked her to leave. Maximilian is going to the party. Ask your girl to meet him coincidentally. If she could get the key, I will pretend that nothing happened. Otherwise, you just wait and see.”

Dragon Queen’s sneer froze Harley’s blood. Though she did not complete the sentence, he understood her implication well.

Thinking of Flora’s sexy body and delicate face, Harley felt his heart aching. He was going to enjoy her himself, but did not expect that Dragon Queen would find out about her.

“Harley, do you think because I am spoiling you, you can do whatever you want? Remember that everything you have was given by me. I can take them back whenever I want.”

“Yes, yes. I will serve you wholeheartedly.”

Harley hurriedly kowtowed as hard as he could, trying to show his loyalty.

“Quit the kowtows. You look like a loser. Carry me back to rest.”

Harley got up from the floor, gently scooted her up, and then brought her back into the room.

On the party day.

Anayah contacted Victoria in the early morning, and then waited for her to leave the office.

After spotting Maximilian in her office, Anayah frowned, but soon she looked normal again.


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