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Dragon Master novel Maximilian novel Chapter 416

Anayah was angry and cried because of Maximilian's words. And Victoria sat in the driver's seat.

This time the car was quite. When Anayah shut up and did not speak, the atmosphere in the car was much better.

They parked the BMW on the parking lot outside the winery. At this moment, there were a variety of luxury cars parked on the parking lot, and Anayah's BMW 5 Series was a cheap one.

When she got out of the car, Anayah's gaze was bewildered as she looked at the luxury cars around her, "Porsche, Ferrari, Lamborghini, and Bugatti Veyron, my goodness!"

When she saw these luxury cars, Anayah seemed to see the rich and young men. Her mood became good suddenly, and she hurriedly took out the makeup mirror from her bag to check herself.

Seeing her eyes were slightly red and swollen, Anayah glanced at Maximilian fiercely, feeling that it was all caused by Maximilian.

"I'll fix my makeup, wait a moment." After saying this, Anayah went back to the car and began to make up in a hurry.

Maximilian and Victoria stood together and were calm when they looked at the luxury car around.

"You should stop arguing with Anayah and don't make her cry again. We are here to help her. Victoria said and helped Maximilian to straight his clothes.

The roar of a sports car engine came, and two Porsche 911s stopped in a space on the side.

Two rich young men who looked like jerks got out of the car, and they casually glanced in the direction of Maximilian and Victoria. Then Victoria attracted their attention. Their eyes were like iron beads that met iron-absorbing stones, and they couldn't wait to stick directly to Victoria for a closer look.

"Damn, there is still such a beautiful girl in this shitty place. We don’t come here for nothing."

"Go, go over and talk to her. We are handsome, young, and rich. We are absolutely better than the poor guy by her side."

The ruffian rich young men walked to Maximilian and Victoria with rampant and domineering steps, "Beauty, you don’t need to straight this poor guy’s cloth. You come and fix the clothes for me. Feel my warm bosom and my rock-hard muscles. It can definitely bring you a different feeling."

The ruffian rich young smiled lewdly and deliberately raised his chest. And the shape of his chest muscles and abdominal muscles suddenly appeared on the tight-fitting shirt.

Victoria's eyes showed a look of disgust, and Maximilian stepped forward to block Victoria.

"Want to fix your clothes? I can help you." Maximilian said coldly.

"Fucking! Who are you? You poor brat want to attend the banquet? It is a big joke! People who can attend the dinner party are either a beauty or with a status. What the hell do you have?”

Slap! Maximilian slapped the rich young man's face. And the rich young man's body slumped into the next car.

"Keep your mouth clean." Maximilian said coldly.

The other rich young man took a step back and looked at Maximilian warily, "You fucking dare to hit us. Do you know who we are?"

"I am not interested. Get away!"

"Fuck! Fuck you!" The rich young man who was slapped angrily waved his fist and slammed it at Maximilian.

Maximilian shook his head in disdain and kicked the young man in the stomach, sending him to fly backward.

The other man completely panicked and knew that he was not a match for Maximilian. He hurriedly helped the his friend to escape, "You wait. We will call someone to beat you up!"


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