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Dragon Master novel Maximilian novel Chapter 418

"Beat them hard! Beat them to death!" Aston said fiercely.

"Aston, are you fucking crazy? Why are you asking them to hit us?" Steff asked in a panic.

"You still dare to ask why? You are asking for death to provoke Mr. Maximilian! Break every bone in them for me!"

After speaking, Aston made an example and hit his fist at their shoulders of his stupid brothers.

With two fierce punches, Steff and Blair screamed.

"Just hit them like this, hurry up." After the demonstration, Aston stared at the bodyguards and said.

The bodyguards had to hit Steff and Blair.

The crowd was in horror when they saw this. It would be unjustifiable if there was no sufficient reason for Aston to hit his brothers so cruelly in public.

Under the attention of the crowd, Aston walked to Maximilian, and bent his head. He bowed to Maximilian one hundred and ten degrees, and his head would almost touch his toes.

"Mr. Maximilian, I apologize to you on behalf of my two bastard cousins. They don’t know you. Mr. Maximilian, please forgive them. I will definitely deal with them, and none of them will be allowed to return to the country in the future."

Maximilian nodded slightly and said indifferently, "Well, just do it and let the rest go."

"Thank you, Mr. Maximilian. On behalf of the Brooks family, I thank you for your generosity." Aston bowed and apologized after speaking with a respectful expression.

The crowd was dumbfounded and looked at Maximilian as if they wanted to see through his identity.

But Maximilian's ordinary clothes were just too misleading, so people could not see through who Maximilian was.

"Who is this Mr. Maximilian? Aston is so afraid of him? He should be a fierce dragon."

"This dragon is too fierce, right? It seems that both Steff and Blair are going to be sent abroad. Maybe they will be sent somewhere to grow crops. It's so terrible."

"Who knows this Mr. Maximilian? Help us find his background. I am ready to get acquainted with Mr. Maximilian and hug his golden thigh."

Listening to the comments around her, Anayah did not feel well. A horrible figure like Aston unexpectedly apologized to Maximilian constantly, which had shifted Anayah's world views.

Iris's face turned gloomy, and she was annoyed with Aston’s action. Why did Aston apologize to Maximilian?

"You guys want to know the details of Mr. Maximilian? I know." Iris gritted her teeth and said.

Many people around her looked over. These rich and young people from other cities didn’t know Iris. So when they heard what Iris said, they all asked curiously.

"If you know, then hurry up and tell us, we will treat you to a good drink later."

Iris didn’t hide anymore. She raised her head and said loudly, "Maximilian is the son-in-law of the Griffith family in H City, he lives by his wife, and he is a loser! He's a bullshit dragon. In H City, he's a household name and a waste!"

As soon as Iris's words fell, the crowd around her fiercely retreated backward, as if Iris was a snake scorpion ghost, and everyone was trying to avoid her.

Only Anayah and Iris's friends were still with her.


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