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Dragon Master novel Maximilian novel Chapter 424

Aston left his worries behind, as he knew he needed to show himself. As long as he could impress Maximilian, he wouldn't die.

He not only wouldn't die, but also would impress Maximilian. At least, he could be Maximilian's sidekick.

Aston's nose and forehead were both swollen, and his forehead was bleeding, but he still tried to stand still with all his strength.

He knew he failed, but he wouldn't let others look down on him. Those rich young men were all shocked. They didn't know why Aston still blocked the way since he was beaten up like this.

Was he going to defend Maximilian until he died? And what exactly did Maximilian have that could make Aston like this?

"What is Aston doing? If he is really Aston's watchdog, Maximilian should come to defend him at this time, right? Why could Maximilian still sit aside and watch Aston getting beaten up? Will Maximilian just watch Aston seek his doom?"

"What's the situation now? Is there something wrong with Aston's brain? Maximilian seems to be a loser. After Luke showed his power, Maximilian didn't dare to say or do anything. I really felt sorry for Aston."

"Look at Maximilian, there are two beauties around him and Aston is fighting for him in the front. So, is he competent or not? I think Luke might treat him like a dog later and go back to enjoy the two beauties."

On the one hand, these rich young men felt sorry for Aston; on the other hand, they found Maximilian a real loser.

If he was a competent one, he should come out to teach these guys a lesson since he was the main character. But he didn't have the intention to do anything, he even didn't dare to retort.

Luke glanced at Aston and sneered, "Okay, you are a tough one. Did you hit Iris just now? Get him and let Iris step on him to vent her anger."

Iris proudly raised her head and felt that she had made the wisest decision in her life today. With the support of Luke, she could definitely avenge herself for everything Victoria and Maximilian ha d done to her.

It was good to revenge on Aston as the interest first, and she would crush Aston's face with her high heels later.

Aston smiled miserably and got ready to fight again, "Come on, if you want to kill me, come and do it. If you can't, I will definitely kill you later."

"Fuck you! How dare you disrespect Luke? Guys, let's go and hit this bastard."

"Kill us? I want to know how you are going to kill me! I will get you gelded first." Luke's men shouted and rushed to punch and kick Aston hard.

Aston held on for less than half a minute, and then he was knocked over and finally fell on the ground.

"Oh, another fucking loser, what did you say just now? I will step on your penis and crushed it."

One of Luke's men shouted aggressively and was ready to step on Aston's crotch .

If he succeeded, Aston would definitely become a eunuch. Aston closed his eyes in despair as he watched the foot fall fast.

Flora blinked her eyes and fixed her eyes on Maximilian. She wanted to know whether Maximilian was going to save Aston or not.

Victoria closed her eyes. It seemed that she didn't want to see Aston's tragic end.

But Iris's eyes were flashing with excitement; she wished she could be the one who stepped on Aston.

But no hurry! When Luke's men got Maximilian, she could do the same to Maximilian.


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