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Dragon Master novel Maximilian novel Chapter 436

Connor’s men arrived soon and a group of people rushed into the teahouse. They bowed to Maximilian and Connor in array and saluted to them, "Mr. Lee, Mr. Davies."

The owner of the teahouse, the manager and the waiters were shivering. Listening to their orderly greetings, they were pale with fright.

Connor said with a cold voice, "Take those alive back, and send the dead directly to the crematorium. Get rid of the gun, and be careful."

“Yes, sir.”

His men took action one after another, and soon Oakley's body was carried out, and Oakley's men were not as arrogant as they were before, and they were escorted out in shivering.

They left the teahouse and got into the car. When they arrived at a quiet courtyard not far away, Oakley's men were pulled out and brought into the room.

Maximilian and Connor sat on the sofa, looking at Oakley's men who were brought in.

"If you want to stay alive, come clean; if you don't, Oakley was your warning." Maximilian said lightly.

Oakley's men were already frightened to death. No one dared to conceal anything, and they all took the initiative to explain.

"We don’t want to come at first, a man named Sidney came to our president and offered us a million dollars as a reward. He said the object was only one guy."

"Sidney arranged us food, accommodation and recreation in these two days, but he didn't mention the task. He got a phone call just now and said there was a task, then he brought us here."

"When we arrived at the teahouse, Sidney said you were inside. Our task is to find you and batter you badly, and he shows us your photos."

Maximilian listened quietly, and then asked, "You didn't know you were dealing with me until he showed you my picture at the entrance of the teahouse. Is that right?"

"Yes, that's it. We didn't know who we are dealing with beforehand."

"Interesting. The teahouse was chosen on the spur of the moment, but Sidney could locate my position." Maximilian sneered.

Connor quivered, and said in a hurry, “Mr. Lee, I can promise, I did not betray you.”

“I didn’t say that. I think a locating device was put on you and your car without your awareness. If there is nothing else, they were hired by the people in charge of the underground boxing game. Maybe they try to probe my Kung Fu.”

Maximilian made clear his speculation, which was close to the truth.

Connor stood up in a hurry to scan himself, and finally he found the clue on his shoes.

A piece of metal as thin as a piece of paper was attached on the insole. The metal was glimmering, which showed that it was not a common object.

"These damn gringos. Mr. Lee, how about I bring a group of people and make a sudden attack on them? Just kill them all, as they have sneaked into here anyway.” Connor said with a determined effort.

Connor was so terrified these days that he completely lost his sense of security. He felt he could only be safe when he killed Colletti. He didn’t have time to consider his son’s safety.


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