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Dragon Master novel Maximilian novel Chapter 449

When the topic turned to cars, Canaan was full of energy right away. The horrors he felt just now disappeared instantly. Terry went blank for a moment and said with his hand scratching his head, “My car has never been modified. It arrived at the beginning of the year.”

“Really?” Canaan’s eyes turned round as if he wanted to kill Terry with his eyes.

“Don’t look at me like that. If you don’t go on, then I will go after them by myself,” Terry murmured. Then he opened the door and sat in the driver’s seat.

When Canaan made up his mind, he rushed to the car and sat down in the passenger seat. He continued to murmured, “It’s impossible that a SUV without any modification can catch up with my car. Your car must be replaced with a T-10 engine. We are car lovers. Don’t lie to me. And you will never get me cheated. When you get your things finished, let me see how your engine and gearbox get changed. It’s mutual learning.”

Terry looked at Canaan speechless and pushed the gas pedal to start the car. The time the car was started, it shook violently and after a boom, the engine was off. Then a puff of white smoke came out.

“What the hell? What’s wrong?” Terry watched the smoke with his mind numb.

“Fuck! The engine is broken. I know what he meant by saying the car is broken. The engine was over-loaded, so it breaks down after the car stops. Get off the car and open the hood right now.” After finishing the words, Canaan got off the car and asked his friend who was in amaze to call for another car.

Terry also got off the car and opened the hood. Looking at the burned engine, he was worried. “It’s a new car. I bought it earlier this year. It’s broken now.”

Canaan looked at the engine and said amazingly, “It has never been adopted! Who is driving the car?”

“Maximilian. I know nothing about him, either. I am his defeated rival in a fight,” said Terry sadly.

“So you get to know each other after a fight? I also want to know Maximilian. Should I have a fight with him, too?” Canaan thought about making friends with Maximilian due to nothing but his excellent driving skills. He even wanted to be his student.

Canaan’s friend had made several calls and came to look the engine, too. “Canaan, even the god is not able to drive a Mercedes-Benz G at the same speed of a Bugatti. That Maximilian is weird.”

“What do you mean by weird? Maximilian must have grasped the essence of driving a car. When you meet Maximilian later, be polite, and don’t affect my big business to learn driving skills from him.” Canaan was determined to be a student of Maximilian. He would never miss a car racing master.

“Where are Lee and others? Why haven’t they arrived yet? Ask him to hurry up. Or we won’t catch up with Maximilian.”

“I have already asked them to speed up. They will arrive in 2 or 3 minutes.” Terry glanced at Canaan and though about his words carefully. It seemed that Maximilian was more capable than Luke. He was considering if he was able to be his follower.

Kevin drove the car at a speed of 200km an hour. Luke looked back and found a car behind. He felt relaxed, and said, “Fuck Maximilian. He is like a ghost. Lambert, what’s wrong with you? You said you could defeat anyone in the world.”


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