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Dragon Master novel Maximilian novel Chapter 458

Maximilian stood up and looked at Thompson with a smile, "If I kill him now, is it meant I succeed in the opening round and won't need to play anymore?"

"Oh, your idea is very creative. I agree to your proposal on behalf of the organizing committee. Your match officially starts now. No matter it's you or Nuron, whoever wins will directly advance into the main event."

"Good." Maximilian walked towards the ring with his hands behind his back.

Nuron grinned, and leaped directly from the ground to the ring with a sharp push of his legs. He stood on the arena and began to move his arms and wrists as if he was warming up.

Maximilian climbed up the ring slowly step by step, like a calm old gentleman.

Seeing Maximilian going up the steps, the boxers burst into laughter and thought Maximilian was making fun, as he couldn't even jump onto the ring.

"Is this guy really trained? He is thin and weak with no muscle, and looks old when he goes up."

"It is really funny. Such a guy dares to fight with Nuron. Nuron can kill him with one punch."

"I've seen a lot of silly birds, but this is the first time I have seen such a silly person. Is he blind? Nuron killed several people, and he should be able to realize how powerful Nuron is."

None of the boxers were optimistic about Maximilian’s upcoming match. As Maximilian's performance was too low-key, there was no demeanor on him that a master should have.

Connor covered his face and didn’t dare to watch the upcoming battle. These days, Nuron's ferocity had caused a shadow in Connor's heart. At this moment, Connor's mind was filled with scenes about Maximilian being beaten by Nuron. He didn’t believe Maximilian would win this time.

At the end of the training hall, Canaan and Flora sat together, staring at Maximilian on the ring.

Canaan was already pale, and his clothes were already soaked with sweat. Canaan was scared to death when he saw Nuron killing other boxers. After all, he grew up at a peaceful age as a happy and rich child.

Such bloody scenes could only be seen in movies. After all, the blood in the film and on TV was on the screen, and he knew those were no real. At most, Canaan adrenaline secretion rose in an instant when he saw it in the film or television.

But what Canaan saw was the bloody reality at this moment, which made him terrified. If he didn't know this was an international underground boxing match, Canaan would have to report the crime.

Flora was calm but pale. After experiencing so many setbacks and tribulations, Flora’s mentality was still good and much better than Canaan, who was just a second-generation rich.

"You've seen Maximilian fighting with others, right? Do you think Maximilian can win?" Flora asked with concerns.

"Da-da-da, I, da-da-da, think so..." Canaan’s upper and lower teeth trembled in panic, and his mouth kept rattling, making it uncomfortable to speak.

"Are you a man? It is Maximilian who went up to fight, not you. How come you are scared like this as a spectator?"

"I, I, I'm just scared!" Canaan covered his face with his hands, wiped the sweat and tears from his face vigorously, and his voice became a little choked.

"How could I not be afraid? I've never seen blood before, let alone see someone beaten to death. That black boxer is really sick, and I definitely won't fight with him. I think Master Maximilian may not be able to win. Oh, what should I do if Master Maximilian dies? I haven’t learned anything about car from him yet.”


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