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Dragon Master novel Maximilian novel Chapter 468

Maximilian decided to interrogate them. He also felt something wrong and had to interrogate them in person.

"OK. I’ll be there later, and you should tell your men."

"I’ve already told them. I will send you the location, and you can go there directly."

Connor hung up the phone and quickly sent the location of the forestry station to Maximilian.

Maximilian looked at the approximate location and snapped with a smile, “All right. The construction site has been settled, and those who made trouble have been caught. I will go over and interrogate them to see if there is someone behind this."

"Master, I'll drive you there." Canaan smiled obsequiously.

"I'm going, too. I haven't seen the interrogation yet. Is it exciting like in the movies? I'm going to learn from it." Flora said.

Victoria glanced at Flora, and then at Maximilian.

Victoria certainly could not stand the bloody situation in the interrogation, but she would feel jealous if Flora went there with Maximilian. Victoria always worried that Flora and Maximilian would have an affair.

Just when Victoria was hesitating, the office door was pushed open. Iris in sexy clothes came in.

Iris froze slightly when she saw so many people in the office. Seeing Flora, Iris suddenly became embarrassed.

After that night, Iris's thoughts had changed, and she decided to seduce Maximilian and separate him from Victoria. For so many years, Iris was as blind as a bat and did not recognize Maximilian's strength, which made her regret it a lot.

"Hello, everyone. I...I’m here to apologize to Maximilian. I have made so many mistakes over the years. I hope you can forgive me. I will definitely make a clean break with my past errors." Iris whispered with her head down.

Maximilian and Victoria looked at Iris with confusion and did not understand what she was doing.

"Are you sick? Or you are crazy after being frightened that night?" Maximilian said doubtfully.

"I know I was wrong, and I’ll never do that again. I’ll treat you with absolute respect in the future, or you can sit down and I’ll give you a massage." Iris said obsequiously.

Victoria rubbed her forehead and felt as if the whole world had suddenly changed. How could Iris suddenly change her personality?

"Iris, stop making trouble. Maximilian has something to do. You'd better go back to work. I'll accept your apology for Maximilian." Victoria tried to save Maximilian out of trouble.

Maximilian nodded, "I have things to do outside. If you can correct your mistakes immediately, you are a good girl. Go back and be a good girl."

Iris rolled her eyes and realized that Maximilian would go out to handle other affairs. She thought it a good opportunity to get closer to Maximilian.

Looking at Flora with her head tilted, Iris squinted and said, "You don't go out with Maximilian, do you?"

"Why can’t I go out with him, I just want to do so. You are jealous, aren’t you? If so, go to visit Luke. " Flora said unceremoniously.


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