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Dragon Master novel Maximilian novel Chapter 476

Blood was spurting from the back of the head of that master who was running away. The pebble thrown by Maximilian had already killed him.

Easton’s heart was beating with fear. He considered himself lucky to make the most correct choice just now.

The strength of this Maximilian, who was in front of him, was totally beyond Easton’s imagination. He only thought that Maximilian was stronger than any master Easton had met in the first half of his life.

The rest of the masters, who had planned to play tricks, were intimidated by the death of that master.

It was one thing if Maximilian was good at fighting at close quarters, but he was also good at long-range attack with pebbles, which would drive people to despair.

While confronting Maximilian, who was a master of both close combat and long range attack, all masters gave up the idea of playing tricks, thinking that it would be better if they just obeyed Maximilian’s commands.

In the command vehicle, Ghost II was waiting quietly. After five minutes, Lear could hardly retain his composure anymore.

"Ghost II, if you want to go on, then go on. People in your sect haven’t shown up yet. Do you really think I am a fool? It’s foolish of those brainless ones to be treated as cannon fodders by you, but I won’t be your cannon fodder anymore."

Ghost II stared silently at Lear and sneered, "Aren’t you a chick? If you want to leave, just leave. Don’t tell anyone you know me in the future. I don’t know a coward like you."

"Humph! It has nothing to do with guts. I just don’t want to be taken advantage of."

After that, Lear pushed open the car door and got off the command vehicle. After taking a few leaps, he disappeared in the woods.

While in the woods, Lear didn’t just run away. Instead, he dashed towards a huge rock on the hillside, which had long been chosen by him after observation. A moment later, Lear hid behind the rock.

Lear took out a high power camera from his pocket and attached it to this phone. He turned on the video recording mode and watched the commander vehicle’s surroundings from a distance on his phone.

Lear wanted to figure out what sort of game Ghost II was up to, but what he wanted to know more was how powerful Maximilian was on earth.

If Maximilian was really too powerful to handle, Lear planned to stay away from him in the future, even parting ways with him.

Before long, some familiar figures appeared on the screen. Lear saw the masters approaching the command vehicle. He frowned, feeling something was wrong.

Those masters gestured to each other, and each of them held a weapon in his hand. One of them walked up to the command vehicle and knocked on the door.

A chill came over Lear. He felt as if the temperature around him had dropped a few degrees all of a sudden.

Apparently, these masters had changed sides. They came back to kill Ghost II!

After astonishment came gratefulness. Lear was grateful that he had made the right choice just now and that he hadn’t stuck together with Ghost II.

In the command vehicle, Ghost II heard the knocks and frowned slightly. He grabbed a dagger with his hand. Then he stretched out his hand to push open the door, but stopped when the door was slightly open. He didn’t go on pushing.

"Who’s that?" Ghost II asked warily.

The door was pulled open. One of the masters said in a hurry, "Ghost II, Easton has changed his side! Leeman’s leg was broken, while Farah was beaten to death!"

"What? How come Easton has turned his side? The fucking bastard!"

Ghost II let his guard down. He took a step and got off the command vehicle, wanting to see the situation in person.

However, the moment Ghost II got off the command vehicle, the master who had pulled open the door suddenly waved his hunting knife and plunged it into Ghost II’s chest.

Ghost II was extremely frightened. He twisted his body hastily, trying to protect himself from being stabbed in the vulnerable parts.


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